Let Me Know

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Author's P.O.V.

V and Jungkook were hanging out again since there's no work that day. Well, the true reason why V met up with Jungkook was to give him a small apology and warning.


"Jungkook," V starts and Jungkook hums while taking a sip of his drink. "If I know about something important to you, should I tell you about it?" he asks randomly. "Duh!" Jungkook exasperated. V fiddles with his fingers.

As many people can predict, V knows about Namjoon and Jimin already. He knew from the start but he didn't tell anyone and nobody else knew until Seokjin heard them together. But being the person that Seokjin is, he'll probably act like there is nothing happening between them even if he sees them kiss with his own eyes. He'll force himself to believe that Namjoon loves him no matter what. But the true person who belongs with Seokjin is obviously V-oops, we're getting off topic here. We were suppose to talk about what is coming in Jungkook's path, not V's.

"Okay, I can't tell you what is happening, but it'll affect you a lot. I'm sorry that I can't tell you but I just want you to be careful and make sure not to hurt yourself in the near future," V explains. Actually, V could have gone right ahead and told Jungkook that his boyfriend is being blackmailed (basically) by his boss and that they (Jimin and Namjoon) are now currently together while they (V and Jungkook) are sitting here doing nothing about it. It's not V's fault though. He has his own plans too. He needs Namjoon and Jimin to be together in order for his plan to work. But this doesn't need to be discussed right now.

"What do you mean? V, stop biting your nails and tell me!" Jungkook demands to know. V looks away nervously. "Like I said, I won't tell you. You'll find out anyway," he confirms. When Jungkook couldn't squeeze out any other words from V, he stops and start to think deeper about it.

"Are you talking about my family?" he guesses but was only met with V staring at him silently. "V hyung! Is it about my family?" he repeats. "No, it's your boy- I mean, nothing," V shuts his mouth again after almost spilling it. Jungkook didn't really hear what he said so he gave up.

"Fine, whatever. I guess I'll find out some other way," Jungkook mumbles. V felt bad so he decided to give Jungkook a little clue. "Nammin or Minjoon," was all he said before leaving.

Jungkook was left confused out of his mind.


Jimin's P.O.V.

I can't believe that it's been three weeks already. I've gone on several dates with Namjoon but I can never feel 100% comfortable because of the thought of getting caught by someone who knows me or Jungkook. To be honest though, the dates weren't completely bad. Some of them were pretty good recommendations and I'd love to bring Jungkook with me to them soon of I could.

Namjoon feeds me popcorn while we were in the theater. I swallowed them dryly and tried to focus on the movie that was playing. I got bored and ended up staring at all of the couples in front of us. I'm so envious of them. The couples ranged from different age groups, which made it even cuter. I really liked the middle aged couple with two men with black and orange hair. Wait, what?

I sat up and leaned forward to get a better look at them. They were sitting a few rows ahead in the left seats. Since I sat in the middle seats, I turned to the left. Trying my best not to look suspicious, I squint at them because the room was dark. Oh god.

Jungkook's parents. I immediately leaned back in my seat and put my hood on to hide my hair because people can easily recognize me by that. But then to make things even more complicated, I realize that I was wearing a jacket with Jungkook's name on the back. Namjoon hated the jacket at first sight but allowed me to wear it just this one time. I take the jacket off so that Mr. Jung and Mr. Min can't see Jungkook's name and folded it neatly in my lap.

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