Cakes are Awesome

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Jimin's P.O.V.

"Bye, Jungkook," I said once again as I hug him. "Bye. Love you," he says, kissing my forehead. I then pulled him into a passionate kiss, not wanting to let him leave yet. "I love you too," I said as I finally pulled away. Jungkook smiles sadly. "I promise you I'll be back soon," he says one last time before getting in his car with Mr. Jung and Mr. Min.

I went back to my house, holding back my tears. Grandma comforts me when I got home. "Shh...Jimin, it's okay. It's only going to be for a while," she says gently. After grandma went out to go grocery shopping, I went to my bedroom. I rolled onto my bed and buried my face into my pillow as I sobbed.

"I MISS JUNGKOOK ALREADY!! PLEASE COME BACK!!!" I sobbed more. Jungkook was leaving Seoul with his parents to visit some relatives in Busan. He should be back in 2 weeks. TWO WEEKS!!! I'll die by the time he gets back.

After 2 hours of crying my heart out, I finally convince myself to get up and go out. I decided to go to Seokjin's mansion again to know him more. As I walk to the mansion, I texted Jungkook, "I miss u" He texts back, "Jimin, it has only been 3 hours." We texted each other for while until I got to the mansion.

A maid opens the door to let me in. I already informed Seokjin about coming over. While I was waiting for Seokjin, V passes by me and says hello. He tells me Seokjin was still talking to his "handsome" reflection in the bathroom and should be out soon. I nodded and waited longer.

"Jimin!" I turned to see a smiling Seokjin. His smile disappears immediately when he sees my puffy face. And instead of my face smeared with blood, it was wet with tears. He gasps, "Jimin, what happened to you?" He comes over and sits next to me. I told him about Jungkook. He looks slightly confused.

"Jungkook? You mean the new singer at our restaurant?" Seokjin guesses. I totally forgot that I haven't told him about my relationship with Jungkook. "Yeah, he's my boyfriend," I said while sniffing. Seokjin does his best to make me feel better. He hugs me, talks to me with a gentle voice, and strokes my head. He reminds me of my mom from what I remembered.

Soon, Namjoon comes in to help. But right at that moment, Seokjin had to leave to work on some things. That leaves me alone with Namjoon. He cheers me up by telling me funny stories about him breaking things, for an example, Seokjin's precious hand mirror. Time flew by quickly and I soon decided that I felt better and could go home now.

"Oh, wait," Namjoon halts me. I wait for him to continue. "Um...if you don't mind, would you like to go out with me sometime?" he asks. I was confused, "But aren't you engaged?" Namjoon stutters, "Ah, n-no. I mean, yes I'm engaged but I was asking you out as a friend." I feel my face flush from the misunderstanding. "Oh, I'm sorry I misunderstood. If we're going as friends then I don't mind," I answered. Namjoon lights up at this. "So, is tomorrow at 2 o'clock okay?" I tell him that the time was good and I'll meet him at his restaurant.


Namjoon's P.O.V.

(The Next Day)

He agreed! I remembered his flushed face from yesterday. I continued to think about Jimin as I get ready to meet him. Once I was finished, I head to my restaurant. I saw Jimin waiting in front of the restaurant in a nice outfit that matches him well. He waves at me when he sees me. I waved back. When I reached him, I tell him that I'm going to take him to my favorite cake shop. It was actually Seokjin's favorite cake shop.

V drives us to the shop. He kept eyeing me strangely through the mirror though. But I brushed it off when I saw Jimin's eyes light up at the sight of cakes. We entered the shop and sat at a small table.

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