Love is in the Air

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Quick Author's Note: I uhh....don't know what to rate this chapter. I mean, there is love making in here but NO SMUT! I think...I dunno. I don't know what rated M is exactly. Can someone tell me what should be considered as rated M? Should this chapter be rated M? Probably not? I feel kinda dumb lol...


Jimin's P.O.V.

I looked at the clock on the wall. 5 more minutes............ I felt so frustrated. "I don't wanna go," I mumbled to myself. Namjoon wants me to meet him at his house. Why did I agree to this? Jungkook doesn't even know about this. How will he react if he discovers this?

My phone buzzed in my pocket. I take it out. 'Can I come see you?' Jungkook had texted me. I text back quickly, 'Can't. I'm not home.' I noticed that it was time to leave so I stood up and walk to the door.

"Jungkook!" I gasped. When I opened the door, Jungkook was standing there. "I thought you weren't home," he says suspiciously. "I was just leaving. I have some business to attend to," I rushed and tried to push past him. He doesn't make way for me. "What business? Can I come with you?"

I panicked. Why is he making this so difficult? I don't need him to know about this. "No! You can't come. I-it's personal," I tried to leave again. "Wait. If I let you go, will you please spend some time with me tonight? I don't have work today," he said and I saw a flash of sadness in his eyes.

"Alright," I replied back before being let go of. I guess I have two dates today then.


Namjoon puts his arm over my shoulder. I can feel my eye twitch with annoyance. 'Why is he being so touchy?' I speak to myself inside. "Jimin, can you stop being so tense? Don't you like the place here? Aren't the flowers pretty? The air is fresh too," he takes in the clean air.

"Yeah," I mumbled back. He stands up and disappears behind a bush. 'I should just leave now,' I thought be then I remembered that I had agreed to this all by myself. Jungkook will be waiting for me after this. Thinking about Jungkook made me feel sick to my stomach. I feel so guilty. But it's going to be okay because nothing else will happened between Namjoon and I, right? Namjoon reappears again with a few pink roses.

"Here, please take these," he smiles brightly and hands me the roses. I take the beautiful roses. "Thanks," I mumbled again. The smile on his face fades away.

"Jimin, can you please at least try to pretend to be happy?" he drops his arms to his sides. I forced a smile, "What are you talking about? I am happy."


I finally survived through it. As V dropped me home, I feel my mouth ache from smiling a forced smile too much. I still have the pink roses with me. V kept eyeing them though. Maybe I can give them to Jungkook instead. I want his affection.


Jungkook's P.O.V.

I jumped a little when the door opens. Jimin enters and puts his keys back into his pocket. He also have some roses with him. "Kookie, take these," he says first and holds them out. I inspect them. They looked fresh and not store bought. "Where did you get these?" I asked, eyeing the roses. Jimin doesn't answer my question. "Do you not want them?" he says back instead. I shake my head before I take them quickly, thanking him. The roses looked so nice. He smiles and pinches my cheeks and I can feel heat rushing to my face.

Soon after Jimin got into more comfortable clothes, he finds me in his room. He comes over and cuddles with me. He suggests watching a movie to make up for last time. But I didn't want to watch any movies right now. I wanted something else. I only want Jimin right now. I only want to feel his touch. I only want him to feel me. I only want to smell him. I want to have him in my arms again. To see him writhing when I push into-

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