CRASH (It's not Jimin this time)

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Jungkook's P.O.V.

When I got home, I went straight to bed. I felt so nervous about how I'm going to apologize to Jimin. And probably Namjoon too. I tossed and turned. I couldn't sleep. I tried counting sheep, but ended up counting all of the faces I could remember of Jimin. From happy, fond, anger, sad, surprised, and loved...........I turned over once again and groaned into my pillow. The pillow still smells like Jimin when he had slept over.

Next, I thought of all the possible outcomes after I apologize. I wanted to be prepared. My thoughts were going well until a worse case scenario played in my head. I only felt more nervous afterwards and kicked my stuffed bunny off the bed. After relaxing for a bit, I stood up and brought the cute bunny back to bed with me. Jimin gave me this bunny. I hugged it tightly and it made me feel more comfortable and cozy. I drifted off to slumber land in a matter of seconds.


I heard a little sound in the morning but ignored it. I'm still tired from staying up so late. I pressed my face into the stuffed bunny that I was still sleeping with, slightly snoring.


Feeling irritated, I forced myself to sit up on my bed. I ruffled my bed hair and rubbed my eyes. Where the hell is that annoying noise coming from?


I turned to the window and growled. Someone's throwing pebbles at my window. I stomped to the window and opened it completely, not aware of who the person is. I began to shout, "HEY-" a pebble hits my head. That only fired up the anger in me and I fumed, almost cracking the window. I was not really a morning person and I'm already not in a good mood due to what had happened yesterday.

"Jungkook! Are you okay?" A worried voice makes me look down from my window on the second floor of my house. Jimin was outside in his white pajamas looking back up at me. I slammed the window shut and panicked. What do I do what do I do what do I do! I wasn't expecting this at all! Why is Jimin throwing pebbles at my bedroom window? This isn't some movie or something.


Dammit! He's not going to stop, is he? I open the window again, only to be hit by a pebble again. "Jungkook! Tell me when you're gonna open the window so I won't hit you on accident!" Jimin yells apologetically. "Doesn't it make more sense for you to stop throwing pebbles when you can clearly see the window opening?" I asked rhetorically. Jimin leaves the pebbles alone on the soft earth and stares at me, clearly not understanding what I meant. I held my breath, not knowing what to say next. I'm afraid I might say something stupid which will cause me to jump out the window in embarrassment.

Thankfully, Jimin speaks first. "Jungkook, don't be mad. I don't like to see you so upset. It's really true that I don't have a romantic relationship with Namjoon. You should obviously know that. You know that I only love you. I promised you that I won't leave you, remember? Please, Kookie, come out here for a bit so I can explain more," he says a little bit desperately. I hesitate. Jimin keeps his beautiful eyes focused on me, luring me to him. I found my body moving on its own to where Jimin was. When I reached him, he comes closer to my face.

"Jungkook?" He whispers to me. My eyes looked up to met his and they were so deep and reflective that I could see myself in them. I could also see his nervousness, gentleness, and hope. When I made no sound, he reaches his hands out to touch both sides of my face. He traces his fingers along my jawline, my nose, and my eyelids. I didn't understand what he was trying to do. I only stood still like a statue.

He suddenly pulls me down into an embrace and my eyes widened. Since I was a little surprised, I awkwardly wrap my arms around him too. We stayed in that position until I felt something wet on my shoulder. I pulled away to look at Jimin's face. He was crying with a small smile. "I missed you," he says and I wiped his tears away.

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