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Jimin's P.O.V.

So today, Jungkook and I decided to go to the mall. He wanted to buy new clothes and I wanted to tag along with him. But while we were at the mall, we also went into the arcade to have some fun. Jungkook won all of the games that we played of course (he can literally do almost anything) and I was okay with losing as long as it was fun and I get to see Jungkook's smile. When we spent enough of the money on the games, I pulled him out to do something else.

The mall was pretty big, so there was a merry-go-round inside on the first floor with bright lights shining from it. I wanted to go on it even though we weren't kids anymore but Jungkook felt shy until I convinced him to go with me. He and I went to the second floor of the merry-go-round and sat on the horses next to each other. The bell rings, signaling that the ride will start.

A huge smile was plastered on my face as I yelled out in excitement as the ride went round and round. I turned to Jungkook to check on him since he didn't sound too excited. He had a smile on too as he looked down at the people below. I gazed dreamily at him because the lights of the ride illuminated his face, making him glow brightly as his horse moves up and down in sync with my horse. When he turns to me and smiled, I almost went blind due to how bright it was.

He takes my hand when our horses start to move out of sync. I laughed with him until I looked up at the second story of the mall. The sight made me feel cold and all the happiness fades away slowly. Jungkook was too busy waving at little kids from below to notice.

Up on the second story was Namjoon who was standing alone. He looked like he was waiting for somebody. Just as I thought that, Seokjin appears with shopping bags and when Namjoon sees him, they walked off together like a normal and happy couple. If only Seokjin knew what was actually going on.

"Jimin, what are you looking at? Let's go, it's over," Jungkook tells me and I quickly got off and we left the beautiful merry-go-round. After all of the fun, we finally decide to go buy Jungkook's clothes. We shopped in two different stores before we entered a third one that was also one of Jungkook's favorites. He chose a few outfits before heading to the fitting rooms while I stayed behind and wait outside of the rooms for him.

About a few minutes later, I hear familiar voices and looked at the mirror near me. In the mirror was Seokjin and Namjoon who also seemed to be looking for clothes. I moved away to avoid them, especially Namjoon. Just then, Jungkook comes out and says loudly, "Jimin, I'm done!"

I was going to shush him but a voice interrupts. "Oh, Jimin? Jungkook?" Seokjin wonders and walks near us. When he spots us, he gives us his kind smile. "Namjoon, there's Jungkook and Jimin," he informs Namjoon and I halt. Namjoon also walks over and I rubbed my neck in nervousness. Jungkook and Namjoon greeted each other while I keep my head down.

"Hi, Jimin," he says softly and I murmured back a hello. Seokjin did most of the talking before Namjoon tells him to stop so they can finish their business. Before they left, Namjoon glances at me with eyes that I cannot read.


Author's P.O.V.

It's already been 3 hours since Namjoon and Seokjin saw Jimin and Jungkook at the mall. Namjoon was seething with anger and jealousy when he keeps thinking about Jimin being with Jungkook. He made plans to see Jimin after leaving the mall to discuss their relationship because he can't handle being with Jimin without having anyone know. He wants the world to know that Jimin will be his and that no one can take him away.

Namjoon of course doesn't want Seokjin to hear or see anything so he kept him at home and made V watch him. Seokjin pleaded him to keep V away but he pretends to not hear anything. V agrees with Seokjin that he himself should be kept away but again, Namjoon doesn't listen because he thinks that they're just having another childish fight like they always had before.

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