Please Return My Smile

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Namjoon's P.O.V.

I took a deep breath. I'm in front of a fast food restaurant because I wanted junk food. It feels so nice to eat outside of the hospital. Being in the hospital for a week was so boring. People came to visit me everyday, but I wasn't that satisfied because a particular person hadn't visit me the last three days I was in the hospital.

I wanted to see Jimin. Why didn't he come visit? But that doesn't matter now. I'll just go see him today. I'm sure Jungkook won't mind if I spend some time with Jimin. A smile creeps its way to my lips as I think about being with Jimin.

The moment of peace and quiet shatters when two immature people walked to me.

"V! Stob it! It's mine! Not yours! Or the damn seagulls!" Seokjin's loud voice scares off a few seagulls. "Seokjin, the seagulls need food too and I'm still hungry," V said and steals more French fries from Seokjin. He throws the fries at the seagulls and ate one himself as Seokjin angrily picks up a small rock.

"Stop it or I'll throw this at them!" he yells and V freezes at the statement. "Woah, woah, woah. Seokjin, please calm down. There's no need to hurt anyone," V cautiously says and puts his hands up. "Namjoon," he whispers to me. "Get your pig to calm down."

Instead of helping, I only watch as Seokjin roars out in rage and starts to throw the small rocks at the seagulls and V. "I'm not a pig! You and your stupid seagull friends can go poop on each other and-"


I choked on the air as I tried so hard not to laugh. V stares at Seokjin with fear. Even the seagulls came closer to see. Seokjin drops his fries and his hands went directly to his pink hair. And I'm pretty sure I don't need to explain what happened to Seokjin.

Seokjin's face turns redder then ever. He looks like he could kill someone. Probably V. Noticing his face, V shoos the seagulls away quickly.

"Go! Hurry! Go! Live! Life is precious!" V runs around and the seagulls flew away before Seokjin kills them. I notice Seokjin being quiet. The murderous look on his face was gone and replaced by an embarrassed one. I quickly open the car and grab a small red blanket. I place the blanket over his head, covering his hair that still has bird dump on it.

He looks at me before looking away bashfully. I hug him, "Hey, let's get you home so you can clean up." He buries his face in my chest and nods. I give V a look and he understands. He takes us home.

I'll go visit Jimin after Seokjin feels better.

(Two months later...)

"Mmmm...Namjoon, you're right. This place does have really good food," Jimin says and fills his mouth again. We've been going to different places to have fun. This time, I took him to a fancy restaurant where the food were made by famous chefs. I only smile back and drink my wine.

I realized that I love Jimin more than ever since that car accident incident. Seeing his face makes me forget my problems at hand. I know the things that he likes and he knows the things that I like. I want to ask him to be mine but there's two people in the way.

First, there's Jungkook. I can't be with Jimin if Jungkook is still with him. He's nice, but something or someone has to break them up in order for me to be happy with Jimin. But getting Jungkook out of the way isn't as difficult as the second problem.

Seokjin. How will I get Seokjin out of the way? I don't love Seokjin anymore. Did I ever loved him in the first place? Dealing with Seokjin is way harder because my parents really like him, he is obviously in love with me, and we were already engaged.

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