Are We Done Yet?

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Jungkook's P.O.V.

Training was difficult even though I only had to do it for a single year. When I'm not working, I'll be getting rest, finding something to eat, or learning. That basically fills up my entire day, giving me no time to contact my family and friends.

But every once in a while, when I do get a chance to make a call or something, I'd use it on appa and dad. I felt like it was a good thing to do. They made me remember how exciting life can be, reminding me that everyday won't always be the same, boring, long, and tiring. Sometimes I get sick of how everyday of the past year went. Work, practice, go back to the dorm, sleep, then the whole thing repeats. One time, I even thought about forgetting the whole thing and just pack up and leave.

But I'd always find a way to push those nasty thoughts away. I'd squint and see a small light shining brighter and brighter as I improve.

Now I'm already here, a new and growing idol. I can't and won't turn back now.

While making visits to the great schools here, I honestly didn't expect to find Jimin here as a dance teacher. First, when I was going from class to class, examining their routines, nothing really popped out in front of me. When I got to Mr. Park's class, I didn't even noticed how he looked like until the middle of the dance.

The ten minute break came and I took some time to talk to some students before finally walking up to the teacher. He looked just like Jimin, only with a few changes. But because of his knowledge and lack of interest in dancing before, I start to doubt myself a bit. I even thought, 'What if he isn't even Jimin?'

"Mr. Park.......Are you Park Jimin?"

When I asked him that question, I can see more sweat forming on his brow. As if his lips were frozen shut, he couldn't get any words past his lips. Just when he managed to crack a small space to slip out some words, the break was over, forcing Mr. Park to excuse himself and go back to his students.

For the rest of the time that I was there (I felt bad because I didn't pay a 'special visit' to the rest of the classes too), Mr. Park didn't look like he was planning on answering me any time soon, so I took it as a sign that he may not be the Jimin that I'd like to talk to again.

That was, until class ended. I turned on my heels, heading for the door when Mr. Park stopped me by rolling a water bottle in my path. What a funny way to get someone's attention.

"Jungkook. Wait."


Which brings us here. It started to get dark when we arrived in this room that I've missed. The living room of Jimin's house. A few things changed here and there like the new picture frames that were placed on the clean walls and the new carpet on the wooden floor that replaced the old rug from before. Besides that, the feeling of it remained.

Jimin keeps looking around the room, his eyes restless. The small fingers of his hands can't stop tapping on the small glass table. He swings his legs back and forth like a child and sucks the inside of his cheeks.

He's uncomfortable with me. Is he? Maybe it's because I haven't said anything normal to him. Or just because I haven't talk to him properly in general.

"What happened after I left?" I ask, trying to light up a conversation. Jimin halts everything that he was doing. "I got a job to teach dance," he said, adding little sparks to the talk. We continue to slowly build this fire for hours until it's bursting with flames. It's a warm, comforting fire though. Not a raging, powerful fire that'll burn everything down.

"Alright, I think that's enough about us," I chuckled. It didn't take too long to feel comfortable and at home. Our stories were fun but a few made me want to curl up into a ball and forget the moments. They're so embarrassing and stupid. "How's Seokjin and Taehyung?" I turn the discussion to my brother's family.

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