Tell Me

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Minwoo's P.O.V.

"Hey! Are you deaf?! We want you to leave Jungkook oppa alone!" the girls behind me kept following me, shouting out in anger. They've been at it for a while now, telling me to stay away from Jungkook. I guess they found out that the rumored "anonymous trainee" was me. But I should be fine. They are just Jungkook's fans after all.

Something hits my back lightly. When I looked over my shoulder, I see that the group of girls were throwing pebbles at me. Not wanting to create a big scene, I ignore them again. "It's not their faults that they're like this. They only want to keep Jungkook safe and protected," I murmured to myself lowly.

"Ow!" I exclaimed when a much bigger rock had been thrown at my head. 'Sheesh, I might get hurt,' I thought and put my hood over my head. It's okay...

"Hah! He thinks that the hood will protect him," one girl laughs. I drown them out and walked faster. I plugged in my earphones and turned the music up. It helped a lot and I almost forget that I was being followed. Until...

I yelp and fell on the sidewalk when another rock hits my head, way harder than before. My hands cover my head on instinct and my earphones along with my phone slips out of my ears and pocket.

Still recovering, I smoothed my hand over where the rock hit the back of my head, rubbing it to ease the pain. "Ah!" I yelled when my hair was grabbed and pulled. I wondered if there was anyone around to help me but when I searched, no one was there since we were on a smaller street that seemed to be vacant.

I didn't realize that I was being dragged to the alley nearby until my shirt rolls up from being yanked harshly and the rough ground scratches my bare skin. After being trained for a couple of years, I knew that I could easily fight back a girl. But there were more than one and they were all working together as a team.

Plus, I couldn't hurt the people Jungkook loves. His fans have supported him so much.

If the street we were on had no one to help me, then I have no hope in the alley. The sharp gravel got into my shirt, making it feel like I was being pinched all over, except it was worse.

The girls surround me and I gulp nervously. I was cornered with small injuries already. My elbows and knees were scraped, my cheek earned a cut, and my legs and arms were scratched.

"This is what you deserve, you gold digger."

"You're just using Jungkook for fame."

They won't hurt me more. They are good people.........are they?


Author's P.O.V.

"This is Minwoo's phone," the young man said. Earlier, just a few seconds ago, he walked into the empty street and saw the phone on the ground. The picture on the lock screen showed that the phone belongs to Minwoo.

Small chatters from the alley catches his attention. He strode over and gasp at the sight. "What are you doing?!" He shrieks when he saw what was being done to someone important to him.

The girls saw him and some panicked while the others didn't seem fazed. "It's not your business, pretty boy. Leave," one said. Minwoo groans on the ground, barely holding on.

"It is my business. Now if you don't leave him, I'm calling the police," he holds his phone up.

The scared girls tried to convince the stronger ones to leave before all of them gets in bigger trouble. After some time, they all decide to stop. They walked away and the last one kicked Minwoo one last time before leaving with her friends. The man had to hold himself back from attacking the girl.

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