Better and Worse

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Author's P.O.V.

"Seokjin is in labor!"

Jungkook drops his hand immediately and gets off of Namjoon.

Mrs. Kim faints.

Taehyung continues to pant with swollen eyes, "I-I didn't know what to do! H-his water broke a-and I took him to the hospital as fast as I could! I don't know what's happening right now so I came here to tell you guys since Seokjin has no other family."

Jimin wanted to see Seokjin. He knows that Seokjin must be scared and alone with doctors that he doesn't know.

Everything was forgotten as everybody rushes to put on their shoes and jackets except for Yoongi and Hoseok. They said that they'd stay to look after Mr. and Mrs. Kim. Namjoon was hesitant about going at first but something inside him convinces him to go. They all got inside one car and drove to the hospital that Seokjin is in.

Yoongi sits down and groans, "I didn't want all of this to happen. Hobi, Jungkook knows now."

"He won't leave us," Hoseok says but he wasn't confident of what he said.


Only Taehyung was allowed to go in Seokjin's room. Namjoon, Jimin, and Jungkook stayed out and waited.

Namjoon had his arm over Jimin and Jungkook sat across from them, avoiding any kind of interaction. Jimin breathes softly and his face rests on Namjoon's chest. Jungkook bites his lip and paid attention to his phone instead.

Hoseok assured him that Mrs. And Mr. Kim were okay. Both just needed some sleep perhaps.


It's been three hours and Seokjin's baby was still not delivered yet. Namjoon's body aches from sleeping in an uncomfortable position for too long. He groans as he remembers his dream.

'Ugh, why am I getting these weird dreams?' Namjoon had another dream similar to his past dreams. But this time, he hears gunshots and a baby crying in the dream. Everything was black though so he couldn't see anything.

"Hey, Jimin, I'm gonna go get us some food okay?" He leaves Jimin, not realizing that he was leaving him alone with Jungkook.

Jimin pretends to sleep to avoid talking to Jungkook. Jungkook knows this but he didn't say anything about it.

"Ow," Jimin mumbles when an empty water bottle hits him. He looked across from him and Jungkook's monotonous face greets him.

"Oh, sorry. My hand slipped," he says. Jimin grew slightly irritated because Jungkook was obviously lying. A water bottle can't hit someone like that because a small slip. Jimin huffed before closing his eyes again.

"Ow!" Jimin reopens his eyes when something else hits him. This time it was a shoe. Timberland to be exact. Jungkook pretends to be innocent. "What? My shoe just fell off my feet."

Jimin throws the shoe back harshly and mumbled, "Stop being so annoying. I'm tired." Jungkook just couldn't help himself. He felt angry with Jimin. He wanted to hit Jimin with some light things to try to knock some sense into him (of course he didn't like to hit Jimin).

Jungkook laughs nervously and bitterly.

"What's wrong?" Jimin knows that something was bothering Jungkook. Remember that Jimin still doesn't know about Jungkook and Namjoon being half brothers.

"Oh, it's nothing. It's dads had been with Mrs. Kim a lot lately without telling me why. So I followed them this time and POOF! I'm not their child. And it turns out that the man who took my cute little mochi was my brother. And then my cute little mochi just had to start falling head over heels for that (rap) monster. But again, it's nothing. I'm totally not dying slowly and painfully inside while being constipated with love."

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