Jeonkook to Jungkook

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Yoongi's P.O.V.

"Hobie! Come here!" I called out. Hoseok comes in a moment later. "Yes?"

"Could you please go get a bottle for Jungkook? I'm still changing his diaper." I looked at Jungkook's face after Hoseok left. He looked up at me with curious eyes.

"Hi, Jungkookie...." I cooed at him. He doesn't make any noise. He's still gazing at me. I sighed and remembered the events that had happened.


"What?!" I turned my head towards Hoseok, who was reading something. "What is it?" I asked, slightly annoyed from being disturbed from sleeping. He turns to me and hands me a note. I start to read it.

"WHAT?!" I shouted when I was finished reading. "What does he mean by this?" I turned the note over, looking if Jeonkook's dad wrote more on the back. He didn't.

"I'm not sure. But we gotta find him," suggested Hoseok. I stopped him, "Wait. Maybe he just wants to be alone right now. I'm sure he wouldn't do anything stupid. He still has Jeonkook. Let's wait and see if he comes back. What he wrote probably doesn't mean much."

"No, what he wrote probably means a lot. You can stay, I'm gonna go and try to find him." Before I could say anything, Hoseok leaves. I remained standing, rereading the note over and over again. Why would he do this anyway? After a few minutes, Jeonkook wakes up and starts crying.

I left the note on the coffee table and head to where Jeonkook was.

(A couple hours later)

I was playing with Jeonkook, still waiting for Hoseok. Suddenly, I got a call. After a few rings, I answered it, "Hello?"

(Another hour passed)

When Hoseok came back, he said that he couldn't find Jeonkook's dad anywhere. I stayed silent. He faces me. "Yoongi, can you think of any other places that he could have gone to?" I remained silent. "Yoongi?"

"He's gone," I whispered quietly. "Huh?" confusion was written all over his face. I took a deep breath. "Hoseok, what he said on that note was true. He's gone. He committed suicide."

"And how did you know that?" Hoseok asks me, not believing what he's hearing. I continued, "The police contacted me. They found his body," I hesitated. "Sort of......"

We stood still, not knowing what to say or do next. Finally, Hoseok sits down and runs his hands through his orange hair. I sat besides him and leaned on his shoulder. Even though we only knew Jeonkook's dad for a few months, we became kind of close.

A few weeks passed by and before we knew it, the funeral for Jeonkook's dad was over and Jeonkook became my and Hoseok's responsibility. The poor baby was so young that he probably won't remember anything about his father.



"Jeonkook is our child now right?" I wanted to be sure. "Yeah, he's part of the family now," he says with a small smile.

We soon decided to change Jeonkook's name to Jungkook. We didn't want to be reminded of his father too much, so we changed his name. But we kept it similar to his first name because he was still the child of his real parents that gave him his name.

*End of Flashback*

"Here you go," Hoseok handed me the bottle. "Geez, what took you so long?" I smiled at him. "I was too busy being happy about having a loving family," he said, hugging me from behind. "Yeah, whatever," I said jokingly.

(5 years passed)

Namjoon's P.O.V.

"Namjoon! You look so handsome!" my mother exclaimed. "Aren't you excited?" she asks me. "Excited about what?" I said with a monotoned voice. "You're going to have a new friend! He's very beautiful. I'm sure you'll like him!"

After a while, I was ready to go and my father called for me and my mother. As we walked, I remembered my stepdad out of nowhere.


"Namjoon, meet your father," mother introduced me to an unfamiliar man. "What do you mean?" I asked. "That's not dad."

*End of Flashback*

Mother told me everything, and it was hard to take it all in at first especially at such a young age. But its been a long time since then and I'm content with my family now. I could barely remember my stepdad's face. And Jeonkook's.

We entered the living room where my father and our guests are. "Namjoon," father gestures for me. "Meet the Kim family." I greeted Mr. and Mrs. Kim. Then I saw a boy around my age (12-13 years old). "Hello," I greeted him. "I'm Namjoon."

The boy looks up at me shyly, biting his plump dark pink lips. His cheeks were dusted with a light pink color, just like his hair. He was very pretty for a boy. "Hello. My name is Seokjin."

Jungkook's P.O.V.

Bye dad! Bye appa!" I said loudly. "Bye Jungkookie!" I shut the door and head to school, which was only a block away. I looked up at the clear sky. I was excited about my 9th birthday coming up soon. When I was halfway there to school, I heard someone running and calling out to me.

"Jungkook!" I looked behind me and saw a boy with silver hair that was shimmering from the morning sun. When I realized who it was, I continued walking, ignoring him by speeding up a little. It was Jimin, my classmate and friend. He's a nice, cheerful, and bright boy, but he might be a little bit too much for me. He obviously did not see how I was trying to get some distance between me and him. I would always get this weird feeling with him around.

"Jungkook, wait for me!!!" he runs faster. I wasn't speed walking anymore. I was sprinting. He chased me all the way to school. When we got there, I heard a loud thump then someone crying afterwards. The crying was a bit muffled.

"Aagghhmmmphh!" I turned to see Jimin with his face planted into the ground with his body sprawled out, and his backpack was 5 feet away from him (it probably flew off of him when he fell somehow). I slowed down to a stop and went back to him to help him up. He then looks at me with tears running down his chubby face.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" I laughed out loudly and unexpectedly. "What?" Jimin questions. "Your face!" I cried out, rolling on the ground and getting my white shirt dirty. His face was covered with dirt. Jimin sniffs and doesn't say anything. He didn't make any movements either besides reaching up to touch his chubby cheeks. I stopped laughing when I realized that he was being silent and still.

Oh, no. He's not gonna cry is he? I slowly turn to look at him, scared of getting in trouble by the teacher.

Jimin was smiling. His eyes were sparkling. Then he starts to giggle. Which then turned into a laugh. I start to laugh again with him. We laughed together until the bell rung, causing us to get up and go to class.


Author's Note: So here's the second chapter. I hoped you enjoyed it! I'm not sure when the next chapter will be out. Its the end of the semester and that means that I have finals coming up. Which was why I made another chapter for today. But I have the story already planned out so please be patient. Thank you!

P.S. The names Jeonkook and Jungkook has such a huge difference (note the sarcasm). And I didn't want to give the parents any specific names so that's why there is"Jeonkook's dad" lol

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