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Author's P.O.V.

(The Next Morning)

V sat up on the bed and looked out the glass door to the balcony. He sees two lanterns; a magenta lantern and his lavender lantern hanging next to each other. What happened yesterday night replayed in his head while he runs his hands through his messy hair.


It felt amazing. He enjoyed making love to Seokjin. Their flushed bodies were pressed against each other and he was drowning in the pleasure until Seokjin said some things that made the blood in his body freeze. While they were doing it, Seokjin had been calling out a certain name over and over, making V regret everything.

Seokjin had mistaken him for someone else.

Since he was still drunk and not himself, he thought that V was Namjoon. He thought that Namjoon was the one making love to him, not V. V should have stopped then and put all of his clothes back on but he was so hurt and desperate that he continued until they were finished and he was satisfied.

When he thought that it was all over, Seokjin just had to pant out, "I love you, Namjoon." That only worsened the feeling in V's chest. Then he passes out from exhaustion after their session, leaving V broken.

(End of flashback)

Now V is thinking about what to do when Seokjin gains consciousness. He's going to freak out and demand an explanation of course. V watches a sleeping Seokjin while he waits for him to wake up. Right after V decides to put on his boxers, he hears Seokjin groan. V walks back to the bed and sits next to him calmly.

When Seokjin opens his eyes, he was met with a V wearing an underwear only. Seokjin immediately sits up when he realizes that he was completely undressed and wraps himself into his blanket. "V! What are you doing here?!" Just as V had predicted, Seokjin demands an answer.

"What did you think happened?" V says back instead of answering directly. Seokjin breathes hard and thinks. "W-where is Namjoon? He was with me last night," he trembles a little. V doesn't know where Namjoon was. But he knows that he was definitely not with Seokjin last night. He then decides to tell Seokjin directly what happened.

"You and I did it," he said plainly and waits for Seokjin to react. Seokjin was so shocked that he stayed still for one whole minute before quivering. "No, Namjoon and I did it," he argues back. His lower body was sore. V explains that Seokjin wanted sex and V gave it to him. Seokjin remembers that he had been drunk last night and then realizes that he really did have intercourse with V after rethinking. When the facts sunk into his brain, he sobs. V doesn't know if he should comfort him or not.

"D-did you use protection?" he asks V in a panic. V looks away instead of answering and Seokjin takes it as a no. "Get away from me! This is your fault!" he cries harder, making V get up and dress. V knows that even if he apologizes, it won't do anything. Explaining wouldn't change anything. He knew that having Seokjin love him was too good to be true. At least he had a moment to experience how it would feel like to be with Seokjin, even if it was only for a short amount of time. After he was fully dressed, he looks at Seokjin one last time. Seokjin had buried himself in his blankets and sheets completely, refusing to say anything else to V.

V left and closed the door loud enough for Seokjin to hear so that he won't have to stay in the blankets anymore.


Namjoon's P.O.V.

*Knock Knock Knock*

"Come in," I said and the person enters. I looked up and smiled. "Ah, Jungkook, you're here. Take a seat. I just want to ask you something. It'll be quick, I promise," I motioned to Jungkook. He smiles and sits down. "So, as you may know, there is going to be a party for my father when he comes back from his job," I said and he nods. Everyone who was employed here knew and were invited to the party as long as they are respectful.

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