Boy Meets Evil a.k.a Namjoon...kind of

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Author's P.O.V.

Jimin stares at his hands in horror. He still feels the red substance flowing out of his nose. "Aghhh!" Jimin shrieks but it was drowned out by the next performance. But Seokjin hears him from the front desk that he was sitting at. He sees Jimin on the ground with his back faced toward him.

"Um, excuse me, are you alright?" Seokjin asks with concern in his voice. Jimin turns around and stares into Seokjin's soul. "MY FACE!!!" Jimin screams with blood smeared all over his face. "YOUR FACE!!!" Seokjin screams back, horrified by Jimin's face.

Seokjin then realizes that Jimin was human. "Oh my goodness, we got to stop the bleeding!" Seokjin grabs a dramatically bawling Jimin with him to his house that he shared with Namjoon and his (Namjoon's) parents. His parents aren't in the country right now though. While making their way to Seokjin's home, people totally did not stare at the bawling man with a bloody face.

Their mansion was just down the street from where the huge restaurant was. Seokjin remembers moving out to live with Namjoon after their engagement so that they could get used to being in the same house before marrying.

They arrived at the mansion. Seokjin brings Jimin inside to fix him up.

(An hour and a half later)

Seokjin finally got Jimin treated. He took most of the time to calm Jimin down. Now they were talking to each other peacefully and were getting acquainted with each other.

"Thanks for helping me. I feel so stupid and embarrassed," Jimin says with a red face. "No, it's all right. People make mistakes all the time," Seokjin assures him. They continued to talk until V enters.

"Seokjin, can you please explain why there is a huge dent and crack on a bloody wall at the restaurant? People were staring at the wall and felt unsafe," V stops when he sees another human in the room. "Oh, who's this?" he asks, staring at Jimin's broken nose.

"He is the explanation to why the wall was bloody and cracked," Seokjin answers. "His name is Jimin, and it was just an accident." Jimin gulps a V, scared of being yelled at.

V smiles instead and told him that it was okay. He orders Seokjin to fix the wall as soon as possible. "Alright, alright, I'll fix the stupid wall soon," Seokjin complies. "Walls have feelings too," V says but was ignored. Soon, another person enters.

"Namjoon, you're back," Seokjin stands up to kiss Namjoon on his cheek. "Seokjin, why is there a wall-" Namjoon stops when a person in the room caught his eye. It was that silver haired boy that he had been thinking about! He looks at Jimin with wide eyes. Jimin noticed him staring and apologizes, "I'm so sorry about the wall! I wasn't thinking clearly and-" Namjoon stops him, "There's no need to apologize! As long as you're okay, it's fine. We'll take care of it! It's just a dumb wall anyway."

"Hey! Walls have feelings too!" V repeats. He was ignored again.

"Anyway, I'm Kim Namjoon. And you are?" Jimin answers, "I'm Park Jimin, it's a pleasure to meet you." They shook hands. But Namjoon still held Jimin's small hand after the handshake. Seokjin sees this and turns away, slightly jealous. "I'll get some drinks," he mutters, leaving. V noticed this and follows him.

When Seokjin was alone in the kitchen, he tells himself to stop feeling jealous over such a little thing. It was just a handshake, nothing else. Namjoon is a good person, he'd do that to anybody. Plus, Namjoon was going to be his future husband, so what's there to worry about?

"Seokjin, are you okay?" V asks as he enters the kitchen. "I'm fine. Why?" V didn't look convinced, "Namjoon was holding hands with Jimin." Seokjin laughs after hearing that, "What are you talking about? It's just how he shakes people's hands." V spoke again, "Um, he didn't hold my hand intimately and stare into my eyes when we first met and shook hands." Seokjin scoffs, "Ugh, whatever. Help me bring the drinks to the living room." V listens and they brought the drinks back to where Namjoon and Jimin were.

Jimin didn't think too much about Namjoon holding his hand longer than expected because both he and Namjoon already had lovers. Namjoon start chatting with him. He learns that Seokjin and Namjoon were engaged for 2 and a half years already. "Why aren't you guys married yet?" he questions. "Why? It's because I want to work more before starting my marriage life. Being married means having kids, at least for me. I want to be able to support and take good care of them," Namjoon answers.

Seokjin and V came back with drinks. After having more small conversations, Jimin asks what the time was. "It's almost 11 p.m." V informs as he checks the time on his phone. Jimin jumps up suddenly, "Oh no! I have to leave! I forgot about something that I have to do!"

Namjoon offers Jimin a ride. Jimin takes the offer, not wanting to waste any more time. Seokjin and V waved goodbye as Namjoon drives the car away.


Jungkook's P.O.V.

I paced back and forth in the living room. Where in the world is Jimin? He convinced his grandma to let him stay with me for the whole week. I already tried to call him, but then found out that he left his phone in my bedroom. His friends didn't know where he was either. It's already 11:30 p.m. What if something happened to him? He's so cute and too trustful, he'll go with anyone anywhere.

The doorbell rings. I dashed to the front door and almost broke the door while opening it. Jimin was smiling innocently. I pulled him inside and closed the door. "WHERE WERE YOU?!" I didn't want to shout but I was too worried to care. Jimin flinched at my booming voice. "Uh.....I was at a friend's house?" Jimin answers with uncertainty. "Where?" I lowered my voice, but only a bit. "At their mansion a few buildings away from the restaurant you work at," Jimin answers quietly. "Huh?" Jimin sees my confusion. He sighs and explain, "I wanted to surprise you after you were done with work, but I broke my nose," he points at his noise, "and this man, Seokjin, brought me to his mansion to help me."

I stayed quiet, taking all the information in. "Does that explain the wall that everyone kept staring at?" I said, half joking. "You too? Oh my god, I'm so embarrassed," Jimin covers his blushing face. I laughed, forgetting about why I was upset in the first place.

I hugged him after I finished laughing. I buried my face into his neck and breathe in his scent. "Don't do that again. I almost called the police." I feel Jimin uncover his face. "Really? It was only about 4 hours," Jimin chuckles. "Still, I was worried," I spoke into his neck. He wraps his arms around my neck, pulling me in closer. "I'm sorry. I won't do it again. I promise," Jimin whispers.

We went to bed a few minutes later. As we were laying in bed, I asked, "How did you get back here?" Jimin snuggles closer to me. "Seokjin's fiancé, Namjoon, gave me a ride." I was slightly surprised. "You met my boss?" I look at his face next to me. "He's your boss?" I tell him that Namjoon was indeed my boss. "Oh, he's nice," Jimin replies back.

We grew more sleepy. Soon enough, Jimin was lightly snoring. I moved closer and pecked his forehead. "Goodnight, Jiminie."


Author's Note: Uh..... I don't really have anything to say right now. Do you guys think the story is going too slow? Or is it too fast? Tell me and I'll do my best to improve!


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