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Taehyung's P.O.V.

"Why?" Father asks. Well, I guess it's time to tell him.

"Remember when you were with that butler and mother came in and misunderstood? I saw the whole thing and I know that it was an accident. But I saw how mad mother gets whenever she sees you with someone else. So I paid someone to get you drunk. You probably don't remember it but you did get drunk and the man I paid planted some bites on your neck and brought you home. I'm glad that it worked because I was caught off guard when Seokjin had to go to the hospital," I said. Father waits for me to continue.

"But seeing you with a second man still wasn't enough. All mother did was ignore you and that didn't satisfy me. So I got another person to flirt with you. He did an amazing job because he kissed you even though I didn't order him to. Mother entered and saw everything. She kicked you out and now you're here," I finish quickly. I didn't want to waste more time explaining.

"But why?" Father asks again. Oops. I almost forgot.

"Lee," I said loud and clear. Father recognizes the name and perks up.

"He didn't die because he was sick. I lied. Papa died because of you," I point at him. He flinched at my finger. "He died because of me?"

"Papa loved you. He married you. He had a happy life. But you had to choose stepmother instead and leave him behind! You didn't even know that he was pregnant with me! After you left, he wasn't like the person he was before. He suffered a lot," I said to father. He had his face in his hands and begs, "No! Stop! I don't want to know!"

I'm going to make him know about what happened to papa. He should know about what he did. He should know about the person he killed. "After giving birth to me, he committed suicide!" I shout. He shakes his head vigorously. I pulled him up until I'm face to face with him.



Father yells and pushes me against the wall. I was a bit surprised at his reaction. He breathes hard with a stern face. "I love him. You don't know anything," he spits out. I pushed him off of me. "I don't care. I'm pretty much done with my job anyway," I said. He glares at me. "What job?"

"To ruin your family. You know, like how your wife isn't going to stay with you anymore, I don't want to see you anymore, and your stepson Jungkook will never call you his father," I said. He still kept his face stern. "You forgot about Namjoon."

That's probably the only person left that I'll have to deal with. "Of course I didn't forget him. It's just...I'm not going to tell you what I'm going to do with him," I said with a teasing voice. Father lunged at me. "DO NOT HURT MY SON!"

I chuckled lightly even though his hands are very close to wrapping my throat. I was playing with fire a little bit right now but didn't care at all. "Woah, calm down...geez. I'm not going to lay one finger on him," I replied. "Then what are you going to do?" he asks.

"All I am going to tell you is that I will make Namjoon suffer for what he did to Jungkook," I said before a punch meets my face.


Jungkook's P.O.V.

"Stop it," I said when Namjoon offers me more popcorn. I paused the movie before turning to face him. "I don't know what you're planning on doing but you have to stop," I said. Namjoon only stares at me with a mouth full of popcorn.

He's been really nice, too nice to me and it's making me feel like I'm walking into a trap. Seriously, he takes my lover, crushed my dreams, and almost killed me. I could have called the police and have Namjoon arrested but he's rich and I don't have enough evidence. I don't remember the faces of the men that attacked me and Jimin and the belt that Namjoon used disappeared. There were no cameras present and having Jimin as a witness won't be enough. I begged appa and dad to keep quiet because I didn't need more trouble. Mother (it's still weird calling her this) of course will never betray her eldest son. A mother loves her child too much. Don't get it wrong, she loves me just as much. Which is why she wanted me and Namjoon to bond.

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