I'm Sorry I'm Sorry

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Seokjin's P.O.V.

Jackson stormed out of Namjoon's office. "Hey, how did it go?" I ask him. He snaps back, "How did it go? It went great. He won't let me work." He stomps out of the restaurant and disappeared into the night.

Hm. I wonder what happened. I'll have to ask Namjoon later. Having more work to do, I didn't think about the situation much.


After working for a while, I told V that I was going to use the bathroom. He smiles and gives me a quick nod and thumbs up. I covered my mouth with my hand and giggled because it was cute.


When I came back from the bathroom, V entered back into the restaurant with his head down. "Why did you go outside?" I ask, stopping in front of him. He keeps his head down. "To be told that I needed to come back inside and take care of you," he said slightly annoyed. I didn't understand him but he's like that sometimes so I only smiled and left him.


When I was done with everything, V takes me to the car. Right before I entered, I got a phone call. I answer it, "Hello?"

"Hello? Is this Kim Seokjin?" A voice says back. "Yes. Is there anything I can help you with?" I said impatiently. I wanted to go home and wait for Namjoon to come back from his office. "I am very sorry, but Kim Namjoon has been in a car accident and you are a close person to him, so we called to let you know," the man on the phone says. After hearing which hospital Namjoon was at, I hung up.

"What is it?" V asks carefully. I didn't answer him. Instead, I ran back inside to Namjoon's office. It was locked, so I used the extra key that was with me to unlock it. I slammed the door open only to find the room empty. "Seokjin," V catches up to me.

I turned to him furiously. "When. Did. Namjoon. Leave?" I demanded. V didn't look effected by my face and my tone. "Oh, Namjoon? He left when you were still in the bathroom. That was why I was outside earlier," he says normally, completely unaware of what has happened to Namjoon.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME!" I shout at him. He still has a blank face on. "Calm down. I did tell you- oh.....I didn't tell you exactly. Oops?" he shrugs. That only flares up the anger inside me. "TAKE ME TO HIM!" I ordered him. He takes my hand. "Okay, okay princess. Jesus," he leads me back to the car.


"We're here your highness," V opens the car door for me to step out of. "What the-V! This isn't the hospital!" I was mad. Really mad. Because we were in front of the mansion and that is definitely NOT where Namjoon is. "Hospital? What hospital? I thought Namjoon came home," V looks at me with a clueless face. That's right. I didn't tell him what had happened. But I was too mad to care. "Arghh! You're so useless!" I pushed him away harshly and stepped out of the car. I entered the driver's seat and drove the car away, leaving V at the mansion.


I arrived at the hospital and ran as fast as I could. After finding out where Namjoon is, I ran again to his room. I didn't even realize that my face was soaked with tears running down my face. When I arrived to the room, I stopped breathing. A person was in there, laying on a bed. My breath finally returned. I slowly approached the bed. It couldn't be him. I tried to convince myself that this person isn't Namjoon.


What? WHY ON EARTH IS HE HERE TOO?! I stressed out and almost passed out. I immediately called Jackson's friends and family in case they didn't know what had happened to him yet.


I finally got out of the room after his friends and family arrived. I took a seat on the ground next to the door of Jackson's room and buried my face into my arms. I had tears streaming down my face again. Where is Namjoon? I'm so tired. I don't know what to do anymore.

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