Kim Namjoon Falls

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[Author's Note: Um, I almost forgot. I forgot that not everybody knows. Most of you probably do but for those who don't know, Hansung is a character that Taehyung acted for in the drama Hwarang. So if you wanted to know how he looks like... it's basically a baby Taehyung so....yeah. But you're the reader so I guess you can imagine how Hansung looks like however you like to. Plus, I promise there'll be more Jikook soon. It just needs to build up first.]


Author's P.O.V.

"Hey, Jungkook! You can't go in there! It's not safe!" Jungkook ignores Taehyung and ran in with the police. Both had arrived after discovering Namjoon's mission. Detective O didn't notice and focused on getting Namjoon and Hansung back safely while catching the 2 kidnappers. Taehyung was held back by others from entering too. Some officers yelled at Jungkook to go back but he didn't listen.

Man 2 seemed to give up already since he didn't move at all or tried to run. He let the police cuff him without any force. Jungkook didn't pay too much attention to him until he says, "Make sure that baby grows up well. I enjoyed being with him." He had a fond expression which left Jungkook confused.

Apparently, the man had changed after spending some time with Hansung. He kept Hansung in good shape even though he didn't have to. Hansung was held for ransom but Man 2 couldn't resist his cuteness.

Jungkook leaves the group and heads in another direction, away from the police. He shouldn't be doing this because he had nothing to defend himself and nothing to attack the bad guy. Cautiously, he steps further into the building.

Detective O gave orders to the rest of the group and when everyone quickly went back to their work, he spots Jungkook at the end of the hall. "Damn it," he muttered as he chases after him.


"Okay, okay. Calm down," Namjoon tells himself when Man 1's voice moved away. Knowing that Man 1 will find him soon, he looks around the room for anything that can help him. He notices something on the old wall. Quietly, he walked on his toes to the wall.

He sees lines, more like cracks and with his fingernails, he dug into the wall and pulled. Honestly, he doesn't even know what he's doing. His body is moving by itself and something is telling him that the wall is important.

Namjoon stares at the little space inside. It turns out that there is a secret door on the wall. If one didn't look carefully, they would have missed it. The door must've been used to store money or something in the past.

A sharp noise is heard and startled Namjoon. He needed to hurry.

Hansung was cooing at him again and even though it was adorable, Namjoon needed him to be silent. He reached in his pocket for something to distract the baby, anything. He pulled out a lollipop that was still wrapped. He unwraps it and hands it to Hansung. He takes it with his small hands and shoves it directly into his waiting mouth.

Namjoon smiles sadly and looks back into the space in the wall. It's big enough to fit Hansung. He kisses Hansung before placing him inside the wall. Hansung sneezes and looks back at Namjoon.

Namjoon didn't want Hansung to stay alone in the dark so he took out his phone that was still with him and went to a picture of Seokjin. He also placed the phone with Seokjin's picture on the screen next to Hansung. The said baby giggles at the sight of his dad. Namjoon realizes that his face was wet with tears. It was his fault that they're here right now in this abandoned building with a man that is hunting for them.

Namjoon hears Man 1's voice again, closer this time and realize that his time is up. He takes one last look at his nephew before closing the door.

The door was camouflaged and Hansung will be safe from Man 1. The police can find him if he doesn't make it.

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