What the Heck is Going on?

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(One month later)

Jimin's P.O.V.

"No!" I cried out after hearing what Namjoon had said. He only smirks at me. "I'm serious here. Go out with me or I'll fire Jungkook," he said and I shake my head. I can't believe that this is happening right now.

Namjoon wanted to meet again today. When I met up with him, he told me that he couldn't let go of his feelings for me. I rejected him of course, but he snapped. That's why he said that he'll fire Jungkook if I don't date him.

"Well, go ahead. Fire him. Jungkook is very talented. He'll just get a new job very easily," I countered. He doesn't seem fazed at all. He laughs at me, "Jimin, I'm not a millionaire yet, but I am rich enough to make sure that Jungkook stays jobless. I'll persuade others to not hire him at all. Or I might as well just bribe them with my money to make sure that Jungkook gets ignored."

I stare at him in disbelief. How can he do this? "Namjoon, what happened to you? You use to be so kind and helpful. You'd always help me whenever I need it. Did that car accident do something to you?" my voice cracks as I remembered the old Namjoon. I just want to be friends with him again like before.

"Yes, that car accident did indeed do something to me. It made me realize my love for you," he smiles. I stomped, "That's not what I meant! I meant that the car accident must've turned you into a bad person; some kind of monster."

He grabs my chin, forcing me to look straight at him. The look in his eyes made me feel chills running down my spine. "Don't say that to me. You're going to be with me whether you like it or not," he then removed his hand. I inhaled shakily.

Before he turns his back to me, I whispered out, "What do I do about Jungkook then? What are you going to do about Seokjin?" I can't imagine leaving Jungkook. "We won't do anything to them yet. Right now, you're my boyfriend. You'll leave Jungkook soon, but not now. I'll do something about Seokjin too. Don't you dare tell them what's going on," he simply said before leaving me alone. I took deep breaths so that I won't break down.

I can't tell Seokjin, my friend. I can't tell Jungkook, my boyfriend...kind of. Am I suppose to just act like nothing happened then? I screamed quietly in frustration before stepping out of the room and exiting the mansion.


Seokjin's P.O.V.

I gasped and grabbed V's hand, pulling him with me to hide in the room next door when I heard footsteps. I peeked through the door and saw Jimin leaving quietly. Oh my goodness. This is false.

Namjoon doesn't know that I'm home yet. I've arrived a few minutes ago with V. When I was going to open the door to Namjoon and my room, I heard voices. Turns out that it was Jimin and Namjoon. Curiosity got the best of me and I heard everything. I didn't believe it at all when I saw Namjoon leave first a few moments ago. But when I saw Jimin leave just now, I had to hold in my cries.

"Seokjin," V says gently, placing his hand on my shoulder. I want to be alone. I don't want anyone to see me right now. So I ran to mother's huge garden behind the mansion. I know that there won't be anyone there.

I ran past the camellia bushes, past my rose bushes, and past more plants. I ran until I got to the center of the garden, in front of the big water fountain. I sat on the fountain and breathe heavily. I couldn't contain it anymore. I sobbed loudly, not caring about being embarrassed.

That was why Namjoon had been action so weird lately. I recall the time when he was drunk, which only made my heart clench in pain. He was talking about Jimin. Because of me, he couldn't be with Jimin. He loved Jimin, not me. I sobbed louder once I pieced everything together. It makes sense now, but it was killing me inside.

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