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Author's P.O.V.


The heart rate monitor was the only thing that fills the silent room. Four people were also in the room but that's pretty much it. None of them wanted to talk in this gloomy atmosphere that was brought by the unconscious person in the bed. Each person stayed in their corner, avoiding any eye contact and conversations. It's kind of hard to believe since they all use to be so happy together.

Mrs. Kim continues to dig in her bag to make it seem like she's busy with something. Her husband was in corner 2 and looked like he has a migraine. Sitting in corner 3 was Jimin who blew his nose every once in a while from the crying a while ago. Finally, in the last corner, Jungkook stood next to the window that shows tall buildings with a lot of people. He's been staring at the sky for a couple of minutes now. The normal sky has never been this interesting to him before.

Namjoon rests in the plain bed once again. The last time he was being treated at the hospital was from the car accident which was a faded memory. He had lost a lot of blood and the wound was huge. The doctors said that it was a 50/50 chance so he might wake up or stay sleeping for eternity.

Hoseok had called Jungkook a few times since he had been out for hours. They were worried and clueless but Jungkook didn't feel like telling them yet. He only texted back that he'll be home soon before turning his phone off again.

Jungkook didn't know how to react right now. Mrs. Kim and Mr. Kim got into a heated argument when they both had arrived because Mr. Kim blamed Mrs. Kim for Namjoon's state. The yelling had startled Jimin from his small nap. Jungkook tried to settle things down and that's how they ended up in their corners.

Taehyung should be here soon. Right now, he and Seokjin were still getting Hansung checked up for anything that could be harmful: cuts, infections, etc. Of course the pair were happy and relieved once they saw their baby again but half of it went down the drain when they heard about Namjoon.

Man 1 and Man 2 were arrested along with this Dr. Wolfson, the person in charge. That doesn't really make things feel better though. Everyone was still scared that they'll lose Namjoon.

"We're here," Taehyung announced as he looks into the room with Seokjin and Hansung. Thankfully, Man 1 didn't lie and did took care of Hansung. Everyone looked at them at the same time before turning back to whatever they were doing. Taehyung takes Seokjin's arm and they make their way into the room.

Seokjin went over to Jimin while Taehyung walked to Jungkook with Hansung in his arms. Immediately, Seokjin comforts Jimin and warms him up. "Hey. You're not blaming yourself right?" Taehyung asks and Jungkook shakes his head. He's not going to blame himself for Namjoon's state because Detective O said that it'll be bad for him to think like that. Taehyung nods with a small "Good," before sitting in the chair close by to adjust Hansung's clothes.

Jungkook knows that Taehyung is worried about him and he's glad that he has a brother like him.

Hansung burps and vomits all over Taehyung since he had just had a bottle not too long ago. Seokjin and Mrs. Kim got up to help. Mrs. Kim offers to change Hansung into new clothes so Seokjin hands her a bag full of clothes, formula, diapers, and other things before he takes Taehyung to the restroom.

The room became a bit stuffy so Jungkook went out to the parking garage. As he walked there, he hears footsteps following him and when he saw that it was Jimin, he didn't care much. Jimin followed him into the parking garage and Jungkook felt slightly irritated. He stops and Jimin stopped too. When he takes a step, Jimin did the same. "Can I help you?" Jungkook asks before turning around.

Jimin opened his mouth to say something but he stops himself and says something else. "Nevermind. You don't look like you're feeling well so I'll just ask later," he says and steps backwards. Jungkook raises his eyebrow and this time, he follows Jimin. "No, tell me. I'm curious now. Jimin, come on, tell me," he demands. They walked into the elevator with no one else inside.

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