Time Skip

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Seokjin's P.O.V.

"Hansung, are you hungry? Come here," I ask him as he toddles over. I place him on my lap before feeding him some yogurt. He eats happily as he drops his small teddy bear. Keeping my arm around him, I reach down with the other to pick the toy up. Before my hand can touch the bear, a large hand takes it instead.

"I got it. Here," I look up and Taehyung smiles down at me with a bag. Returning the smile I place the bear back into the bag. Taehyung takes a seat besides me and opens the bag that contained food. My eyes lit up at the sight of colorful sushi. "Woah, you bought a lot," I say in amazement. Taehyung laughs and replies, "I had to. If I didn't, you'd kill me."

"That's not true!" I protested. Then Taehyung reminded me of the time I almost sliced his head off when he didn't buy enough steak for our first anniversary. I apologized later by showering him with chocolate that almost buried him alive. What a nice memory.

Once Hansung finished his quick snack, he went back to wandering around by me. It's important to keep him in sight. As Taehyung and I eat, he whines, "How much longer?" There is about 20 more minutes before we leave. We discuss our plans until I realize that Hansung isn't next to me.

"Baby, Hansung, where are you?!" I shout, looking around frantically. "It's okay, I'll go get him," Taehyung says and walks around to where Hansung was hiding; behind my chair. I groaned and exhaled. "Baby, you can't scare me like that," I said as Taehyung puts him on the chair between me and Taehyung.

He nods and cheers out, "Okay appa!" He continues to dance around in his seat as I sighed. "He's so active. I don't know how much longer I'll be able to keep up with him," I rubbed my temple. Even though taking care of Hansung was tiring, it was always something that I enjoy doing. I get to see so many touching moments like when Hansung started to walk or the time Hansung turned 2 years old (Author's Note: I originally put 1 year old but then remembered Korean age).

"It's good that he's active. He'll be healthy and so strong!" Taehyung says and tickles Hansung, almost making him fall off the chair. I scold him but then it was time.


"Wow!" Hansung stares out of the window as the plane takes off. His mouth was opened so wide as he admires the view. Taehyung sits between us because he wants me to get some rest and that he'll take care of Hansung.

I close my eyes and wait for sleep to take over. But as I wait, I can't help but remember the last time I was at the same airport that we were in minutes ago:

(2 years ago)

"Don't go."

Taehyung's words made my mind go blank. His hand starts to burn and I had to tear my eyes away from his. Even though I turned my head, it was turned back as Taehyung forced me to look at him in the eye.

"Don't leave me. Don't do this to me," he whispers. The words kicked me so hard that I felt like grunting in pain. 'The plane! Hurry! Go! You're parents are waiting for you! Get a fresh start. Leave,' a small voice enters and I obeyed it and stepped back. I brushed Taehyung's hand off before turning my back to him.

Even though I couldn't see him, I could sense the hurt look on his face. It's so clear that it scarred my heart. The image burned into my mind, making me wince.

I didn't even take another step forward because I was pulled back by Taehyung into an embrace. He buries his face into my shoulder and tightens his hold as if he's locking me up from escaping. Again, people start to stare and mumbles to each other, probably about how this is like some cheesy drama or something.

"Taehyung, let go. People are watching," I whispered back. He doesn't loosen his arms around me. "You only care about the people watching? Fine, let's go somewhere else then," he scoffed before taking my hand and pulling me through the airport. "Taehyung, stop! I have to go," I tried to reason but he doesn't stop. "Quit lying. You don't HAVE to go," he kept going until we got to a spot where there weren't so many people.

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