Beach! B*tch?

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Seokjin's P.O.V.

"Seokjin......Seokjin....." a voice disturbs me. I hear him scoff next. "Seokjin, get up. Breakfast is ready," he says. After hearing something food related, I zoomed past the person and find myself at the table, wide and awake within 10 seconds. I wait for V to come so I can eat.

"I should use food to bribe you whenever I want something from you," V chuckles as he enters the kitchen and sits across from me. We eat. He's already dressed for the day while I'm still in my pajamas. The food was great. Well, I honestly do not care because I think that almost anything edible tastes good.

"Seokjin," I stopped chewing and saw V looking at my arm, concerned. I cover up my arm even though it's already covered from the sleeve of my shirt. "It's okay. It doesn't hurt," I said while rubbing it. He reaches across the table and pulls my sleeve up. The bruise was revealed on my skin.

"How hard was his grip?" he asks, not really looking for an answer. I winced when he presses gently on the bruise. "Finish your food," he pulls my sleeve down again and goes back to his food without saying anything else. I'm glad he didn't talk more about it.


"Seokjin? Are you ready?" V pops into the room. I double check myself in the mirror before turning to him. "I'm ready," I said in excitement. V is going to take me to the beach that I had wanted to go to. I'm dressed in shorts and a striped shirt. V twins with me; the only difference was the color of the stripes.

"Your arm is okay?" V lifts my arm to examine the bruise. His eyes were so concentrated. I noticed a mole near the tip of his nose. "Bop!" I said when I tapped his nose. He snaps out of his concentration. I giggled at his reaction before skipping out of his apartment happily. He scratches his head before following me.


"V! V! Let's go there!" I point to a gift shop with cute little gifts. He had no choice but to let me drag him there. I ended up buying nothing there. How disappointing.

We had been to almost every shop here already. It's been a few hours already and I'm exhausted. I was going to ask V to take me back but he takes my hand and leads me to the beach, near the water. "I wanna stay here for a bit before we leave," he states and stares off into the ocean.

This time, it's his turn to drag me with him without letting me say anything against the idea. I decided to just enjoy the calm and pretty view. We reached a small dock and walked to the very end of it.

I looked down at the clear water. It doesn't look too deep. "Ah!" I yelped when V scares me by attempting to push me into the water. "Don't do that! I'm scared of sharks!" I turned to him and hit him. He laughs before bending down to look at the glistening water. I push him.

Maybe I pushed him a little bit too hard. He gasps and time slows down.

As he was falling, his body faces me slightly. I only watch the scene unfold before me. His hair went in different directions and he had a shocked face on. The pelicans that were resting in the water flew off when they saw V coming down. It caused droplets of water to rain down. The droplets of water sparkled from the sun. What a beautiful sight. When V's feet left the dock completely, he smirks and grabs my arm at the very last second. He pulls me to his chest tightly.

Time went back to normal.


*GASP* I surfaced from the water as fast as I could. V still has me in his arms. I coughed and wheezed. My nose burns from snorting in the seawater. I have a disgusting taste in my mouth from the salt water. When I finally caught my breath, V brings his hands up to my face. He holds my chin and looks at my face in case I got hurt.

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