Don't Go

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Author's P.O.V.

Finally, the dreadful day was over. Almost. Unlike the sad event, the sun shone brightly and the sky is decorated with fluffy clouds that resembles everything that one can think of. People slowly walk back into their cars respectfully and left one by one until only a few cars are left.

Jimin takes one last glance at where Namjoon has been buried before Seokjin pats his back gently for him to enter the car. He sits next to the window and never looks back. 'Namjoon's just in another place now,' he remembers in his head.

'Namjoon is now safe.'

'Namjoon is now safe.'

"Namjoon is now safe," he recalls Jungkook's words.


"Jimin-ah. It's Jungkook."

He recalls the soft knocking on his bedroom door and Jungkook's muffled voice. The loud music was blaring but he can hear Jungkook's voice anyway. Leaning over to turn the music down, he sighs and walks over to the door. Instead of turning the doorknob and opening the door, he slides down on the door and sits with his back pressed against the hard wood.

On the other side of the door, Jungkook has his ears pressed on the door to make out any noises that Jimin could be making. He did the same action that Jimin did and sat down with his back on the door too. If the door wasn't in between them, they'd be sitting back to back.

They just sat there without saying anything. Jimin waited for Jungkook to leave. Jungkook waited for Jimin to open the door. Just when Jungkook was going to get up after two hours, the music stops completely. He expects the door to open but right through the door, Jimin faces the closed door and starts to speak.

"Why are you here?" he asked with a slightly scratchy voice. He had been a little bit under the weather and Namjoon made it worse.

Jungkook turns around to face the door. As if he could see right through the wooden door, he replied, "You didn't seem alright so I came over. Plus, you're crying...I want to comfort you." A short moment went by before Jungkook added, "A bit. Just let me come in for a bit."

Jimin wasn't sure if he wanted to let the man in but he unlocks the door anyway then shuffled back to his bed. When Jungkook heard the click of the lock, he makes his way in. Jimin sat on his bed with his back turned to him.

Quietly, Jungkook closes the door again, leaving it unlocked. He took a few steps until he's looking down at the silver-haired male. Jimin didn't look back or say anything. Jungkook did what he could think of and hugged Jimin awkwardly.

It felt strange since they haven't done this in a long time. The arms of Jimin finally rest on Jungkook's back. They didn't break the hug until Jungkook decided that it was time to talk. He opened the window for light and fresh air.

Once they were settled comfortably, Jimin states, "He's gone."

Jungkook had trouble replying to that since there was no tone in Jimin's voice. "Well, not really?" Jungkook didn't think that what he said would come out more like a question than a statement. Because of that, Jimin tilts his head and silently asked Jungkook to clarify.

"You see... Namjoon is not really gone because...because..." he tried to find the correct words. He decided to start over when nothing came to his mind. "Namjoon may not be with us physically anymore, but he will always be watching over us," he regretted saying that because it was so cliché that even Jimin rolled his eyes before turning away.

With that being said, he instead moved his focus from 'comforting Jimin' to 'expressing himself'. That'll help him and it might also help Jimin too so...

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