Snow Globe of Jikook

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Jimin's P.O.V.

I yawned as the morning sun shines brightly, waking me up. It's almost 2 weeks already and Jungkook had called me last night to inform me when he's coming back. He's coming back tomorrow! I squealed in excitement as I roll around on my bed, not feeling sleepy anymore. All of the excitement came to an end when I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings and accidentally rolled off my bed.


"Jimin! What's going on up there?!" Grandma yells up the stairs. I sat up, rubbing my head. "I uh, nothing is going on grandma! I was just watching an action movie!" I yelled back. I turned to what I had crashed into and gasp.

"NOOOOOOOO!!!" I screamed when I saw my broken desk with my possessions. "NOO!!" My homework that I didn't put away last night drowned in a puddle of root beer that I didn't finish drinking. And finally..."NO! NOT MY JAMS!" I liked to eat jam when I wanted something to eat at night. I mourned as I reached for the broken jars of strawberry jam and grape jam. While mourning, I remembered something and shut up. I leaned forward and slowly lifted the surface of my broken desk with my sticky hands. I gasped in horror.

" but that........" I fainted. Grandma didn't even bother to come check on me because I had always been like this. Here underneath the broken desk lies the beloved snow globe that Jungkook had made for me for our first anniversary, a.k.a. the Snow Globe of Jikook.


I was waiting for Jungkook underneath a large naked tree. It was autumn, and I could feel the cool breeze. Beautiful orange, yellow, and red leaves swirl around me. I freaking felt like Pocahontas. "Jimin!" Jungkook exclaims from afar. I start to call back, "Jungkoo-mph!" An ENORMOUS orange leaf flew into my mouth when I opened it to call Jungkook. So much for being Pocahontas. He was now in front of me, laughing instead of being worried about me like the evil person that he is. I love him.

I spat the stupid leaf out and frowned. "Jungkook, it's not funny! I could have died!" I said firmly but Jungkook was too busy laughing to hear me. "Jungkook," I said again, trying to get his attention. "Listen to me, stop acting like a kid, you're almost 18!" Jungkook takes a few deep breaths and puts on a more serious face. "Whew. I'm sorry, Jimin. I shouldn't have laughed, you could have died," he says while smirking. "That was exactly what I said while you were laughing!" I pushed him away from me.

After hearing more apologies from him, I finally felt satisfied and forgave him. We later on spent time piling up leaves then jump into them. I made sure to keep my mouth shut to avoid any more dead leaves.

We eventually got tired and sat down to exchange the presents that we got for each other. "Wow," Jungkook says in awe as he held up a sweater with red and black stripes. I also bought him perfume because he likes them. And I baked Kookie cookies. After he was done admiring his gifts, he gave me a cute bag.

I examined the bag and shook it a little, trying to guess what it was. When I was going to throw the bag on the ground to see how strong the gift was, Jungkook stops me. "No! Don't throw it! It'll break. Just open the bag. How hard is that?" I listened to him while scoffing, and opened the bag.

"You got me tissue paper?" I joked. Jungkook tells me to move on and I take the tissue paper out. Inside was a snow globe, big enough for me to hold with both hands. The snow globe had a picture of me and Jungkook inside with red and gold sparkling snowflakes floating around. I gasped, "Wow! Jungkook, where did you get this?" He smiles, "I made it. It took me forever though. I had to watch a lot of videos and learn stuff." He then tells me to turn the snow globe upsidedown. On the bottom of the snow globe was a small silver winding key. I twist it a couple times. A soft melody plays. (Author's Note: the song is a lullaby version of Butterfly by BTS).

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