Jungkook's Job

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Jungkook's P.O.V.

I feel so excited as I drove to a specific restaurant. I'm going to start my job as a singer there today. It pays really well and I'm sure I'll enjoy it because I've always wanted to become a singer. Singing helps me feel better when I feel negative, like when I'm feeling sad, angry, upset, etc. Sometimes dancing helps too.

I enter the restaurant, amazed with how it looks like and was greeted by a kind looking man. He held his hand out to shake my hand. I accept. "Hello, you must be..." he looks at the paper that he has in his hand in front of him. "You must be Jungkook," he smiles gently. "I'm Seokjin, it's a pleasure to meet you." I smiled back, "Thank you. It's also nice to meet you Seokjin."

Seokjin then takes me to the back of the restaurant and into an empty hallway with many doors. He stops in front of one door and knocks twice. A brief moment of silence came. "Come in," a voice then answers. Seokjin opens the door and enters with me following. I look around the neat room after entering.

"Namjoon, please meet Jungkook, the new singer here. Jungkook, this is Namjoon, the owner of this place," Seokjin introduces us to each other and continues, "You didn't get to meet him at first when you applied here because he had some important business to attend to." I greet Namjoon, my boss. He smiles and greets me back.

After discussing a few things quickly, it was time for me to work already. I felt confident in myself. I'm sure of it. After all, I've been singing for a long time and had learned how to read music.

After having everything prepared, I step onto the medium sized stage when it was my turn to perform. I felt many eyes on me. There wasn't any spotlight or anything though because the customers needed light to see their food while watching the performances too. The song begins.


Hoseok's P.O.V.

I came home from work to smell something delicious. I followed the smell which came from the kitchen. Yoongi was making dinner. Since Jimin was going to sleep over again, he helps Yoongi. They were laughing about something.

"What are you guys talking about?" I asked. They quiet down when they noticed my presence. "Oh, Mr. Jung, Mr. Min was telling me stories about Jungkook," Jimin says, still laughing. Soon, dinner was ready.

Just as the three of us were going to sit down, we hear the door open. Footsteps came closer and Jungkook walks into the small dining room. "Jungkook, how's your job?" I ask him right away. He stands still, not saying anything. His face was expressionless.

Yoongi walks up to Jungkook and asks what's wrong. Jimin took a few steps towards Jungkook, "Kookie, are you okay? What happened?"

Jungkook's eyes finally lit up.

"It was great," Jungkook says, slowly smiling. "Great?" I repeat. Jungkook turns his attention to me, "There were so many people dad! I've never felt like this before! I loved it!"

As he was going on about his first day of work, Jimin cuts him off, "Jungkook! Don't worry us like that! We thought something bad happened." He playfully hits Jungkook's arm. "Sorry," Jungkook replies back with a smile. Yoongi then tells everyone to eat before the food gets any colder because he isn't going to heat everything up again. Jungkook continues to tell us about his day at work while we were eating. I looked at Yoongi with a smile and he does the same. I'm glad that Yoongi and I get to raise such a talented and brave child.


Namjoon's P.O.V.

I can't stop thinking about that boy. That gorgeous man who looked as beautiful as the moon. I wish I could see him again so I could talk to him and maybe become friends with him. But I'll probably never see him again. I sighed and decided to think about something else.

That Jungkook dude was a really good singer. He looked familiar though. But the customers liked him a lot already, which is a good thing. I almost had a mini heart attack when I heard his name at first. Jungkook. It's so familiar to Jeonkook. Jeonkook. I miss Jeonkook. It's been so many years already. I wonder how he's doing now...

Dammit, I have to think of something else. I rubbed my face with both of my hands. Seokjin. Yeah, I can think of Seokjin. I start to see Seokjin's handsome face in my mind. Which then morphed into that silver haired boy's face. "Argg!!" I groaned. I went out to clear my mind.


Author's P.O.V.

(The Next Day)

Jimin decides to go to the restaurant to surprise Jungkook. And to also hear him sing. It's about 8 p.m. when Jimin arrived at his destination. He gasps in awe at the building before his eyes. The restaurant was gorgeous and big. He enters through the glass double doors.

The restaurant seems to be for everyone from any class. Jimin was thankful for that because if it was for wealthy people only, he'd feel out of place for not dressing formally.

When he enters the room, he stood beside a wall. After two performances, which was a group of dancers and a rapper, Jungkook comes up on stage. Jimin perks up in excitement as Jungkook began to sing his song.

When the song finished, everybody applaud and cheered. Jimin was smiling at Jungkook's happy face. Just then, Jungkook's eyes start to look towards Jimin's direction. Jimin remembers that he was suppose to surprise Jungkook, so he panicked and tried to run somewhere else to hide. But because of him acting too fast before thinking clearly, he slams into the wall beside him.

After he basically smashed his beautiful face into the wall, he slides down to the floor, holding his nose in pain. When he holds his hands out, he saw blood. His nose was bleeding. Really bad.


Author's Note: So here is an update. It's a Friday, so I had time to write this chapter. I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far.

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