A Parent's Love

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Seokjin's P.O.V.

"Seokjin! Please wait!" mother runs after me. When I finally reach a secluded area, I stop and mother turns me to face her. I didn't want to talk to her because I've been humiliated by her son and felt scared of what she has to say. A soft hand caressed my face which made me look at her face.

"Honey, where are you going?" she asks gently. I sniffed and rubbed my eyes. "I don't know. I just want to disappear from everyone forever," I said. She hugs me and I cried into her shoulder. She really did feel like my Eomma. When my sobs slowly turn into hiccups, Mrs. Kim moves away to talk.

"I'm really sorry about what Namjoon did. I don't know what has gotten into him. Please don't go. I will talk to him along with his father," she assures me but I had something else on my mind.

"Mother, I'll stay engaged to Namjoon if you want, but I don't want to see him now. Please let me stay somewhere else until he's okay," I said and she smiles sadly. "Are you sure? I'll miss having you in the mansion," she tries to persuade me to stay a little bit longer. I shook my head until she finally let me stay somewhere else. "I can buy you a small apartment as fast as I can. Just make sure you call me every once in a while so I know that you're doing okay," she tells me. I thanked her and hugged her once again.

"Also, about the baby," she hesitates and I froze completely. "What are you going to do with the baby?" she asks carefully. I remember that the baby wasn't Namjoon's. "I...I've decided to keep it even if the other father doesn't want to help," I said. She chuckles, "Oh, Seokjin, this is why I love you so much. You love that child so much that you'd take care of it by yourself. Tell you what, I'll help you get the baby checked. You're like a son to me and I want to help you in any way I can."

"But, why would you want to help me when this child isn't even your son's child?" I asked with confusion. She takes both of my hands. "Because I know that you're a good person. You didn't mean for any of this to happen. People make mistakes in their lives. I've made a huge mistake in my life before. Plus, your mistake can make you a stronger person. Look, your baby is already making you stronger than you already are," she answers. I tear up again. Why is this woman so kind?

Just then, we hear an ambulance.


Author's P.O.V.

An ambulance came to get Jungkook. Mr. Kim was the first to check on Jungkook after he fell off the platform. He thought that Jungkook would be okay until he notices blood on his back. That was when he yelled for an ambulance.

Jungkook was placed on a stretcher and into the ambulance. Since V knew Jungkook, he went along with him in the ambulance. Everyone was now shocked and standing around. Their host was gone, Seokjin had ran off, and Namjoon had just declared that Jimin was the person he love. What else could happen?

Jimin starts to scream and thrash around while Namjoon holds him and brings him out to another room. Mrs. Kim comes back and asks Mr. Kim what happened. When everything was explained to her, she immediately went up to the platform to get everybody together. Soon, everyone listens to her and she kept going. She says that everything is fine. The party resumes and they found someone else to host.

What a disaster.


Jimin's P.O.V.

"No! I want to see Jungkook!" I screamed and Namjoon tries to calm me down. This was all his fault. He caused the wounds on Jungkook's back. "You can't go!" he shouts so that I can hear him. I escaped his grasp. "Why can't I see him?" I ask.

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