Love is so Confusing

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Author: Sorry it took me so long to update. Here's the last chapter (I struggled with it for a month) and I hope you guys like it. Thank you so much for reading! Love you <3

"Taehyung said that they got him," Seokjin updates everyone in the car. He sat in the back with Hansung while Mrs. Kim and Jimin sat up front. They're waiting for the rest of the family to meet them before driving the rest of the way to where they're heading.

"We'll be united again," Mrs. Kim sighs as she glances at Jimin, who will officially be part of the family very soon. She holds his hand and Jimin smiles softly at her.

Things have been settled between him and Jungkook, who is now being picked up by Mr. Kim and Taehyung. He's relieved that everything has passed now, leaving a clear path ahead of everyone.

How did Jungkook and Jimin solve their conflict? Take a look:


"Let me hold you longer," Jungkook said, keeping Jimin secured in his arms. The latter tighten his arms too, not letting go.

They stayed like this, their scents mixing with each other and heat radiating from their warm bodies. Both men finally parted when the chattering of students outside reached their ears. Knowing that there won't be much time left, Jungkook whispered in Jimin's ear, "Please meet me after you're done with work. I still need to tell you things."

He slides a piece of paper into Jimin's hand before covering his face and leaving quickly, disappearing so fast and leaving no trace behind. Of course Jimin already misses his presence but when he opened the folded paper, a smile decorated his face.

*End of Flashback*

Since they were still waiting at the resting area, Seokjin takes out the prepared lunch while Jimin sets plates and utensils on the stone tables. Mrs. Kim took Hansung to the restroom. The young boy is exhausted from the long drive but it won't be much longer until he meets his uncle again.

As if on cue, the second car parks behind the first one right when Seokjin places the last dish on the tables. Mr. Kim had drove the car.

When Taehyung stepped out of the car, Seokjin runs with excitement towards him, almost knocking him down as he kissed him. While they were whispering sweet nothings to each other, Mr. Kim steps out too, right when Mrs. Kim came back with her grandson.

She went to her husband too as Hansung skipped to his parents. Taehyung picked him up with one arm, the other one not leaving Seokjin's waist. Jimin smiles at them and thought, 'They're so happy with their families.'

Then a third person comes out of the car. Jungkook smiles widely at Jimin and waves with his arm high in the air.


"Jungkook!" Jimin yells once he spots the idol alone in Mrs. Kim's garden. Jungkook originally wanted to meet at the rose garden that they use to go to but it's risky for him since anyone can see him and Jimin there which can cause trouble.

Mrs. Kim wishes Jimin luck before leaving him and Jungkook in the garden. Jungkook stood up and watched Jimin walk to him nervously yet at the same time he hopes he doesn't screw up. This, this moment could potentially be a huge step for them to have another chance for each other.

Once Jimin is face to face with Jungkook, he gnawed on his inner cheek as Jungkook took a deep breath, rehearsing the words in his head one last time.

"W-well," he stuttered, "if you hadn't known yet, there's now nothing between me and Minwoo." He gets to the main topic that has been on his mind. No, he's not moving on to Jimin that quickly. He just wants Jimin to know since the latter cares for him.

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