I Hate You, I Love You

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Jungkook's P.O.V.


I recognize the person immediately.

"Oh, I'm sorry for bumping into you. I'm in a rush, so I'll go now," I said and walked around him. I only took one step forward when the soft hand captures my hand, stopping me. My heart races but my face expresses nothing at the moment. I want to forget.

"I came here to see you," he says. I wondered how he could have found me. "I hate you," he says and I pretend to look unaffected. "Jungkook, you're a horrible person," he continues and I pressed my lips into a thin line. Don't say anything back.

"Jungkook, talk to me," he pleads but I only stand in the same position, making no movement. The hand leaves and I can't help but yearn for the warmth of him.

Arms trapped me from behind, pressing my back against a firm chest. One hand glides over my back gently. "Is your back okay?" he asks as he presses down a little. The injuries had healed almost completely already but I'm sure that there'll be scars. "Talk to me or I won't let go," he threatens into my shoulder. I know that I could immediately break out of these arms but something held me back from doing so. Maybe I wanted to stay in these arms forever.

Since I didn't say anything back, he kept his arms around me and expresses his feelings. "You know, I haven't had a good sleep for a while now because of two people. You're one of them. I feel empty. Breathing became a hard task to do. I'm not happy," he says. I kept my eyes forward, not looking back at him at all.

He whines about how he wants me to talk and buries his face deeper into my neck. "I hate you. Why do you have to be so perfect? I hate myself. Why did I have to fall in love with you? Jungkook, I still love you," he lifts his head as whispers those words into my ear.

I lost control of myself and broke through the arms that were around me. I whipped around to face him. He had a look of hope on his face, probably because he got me to make some kind of move. Wasting no time, I took hold of his face and leaned in quickly.

But I stopped when our lips were millimeters away.

Would it be wrong to kiss him? Would it be wrong to embrace him when he has somebody else now? But his lips are so inviting....so welcoming. My breath hitches when our lips took away the small space between us and connect.

He's kissing me. Why? I thought I'd forget about him and move on but why am I kissing him back deeper, clutching him closer to me, and then pinning him against the wall of the building?

I couldn't stop myself since he was too addicting. I was so lost and didn't hear the approaching voices until they got super close. I pulled away when I recognize Namjoon's voice.

I looked down at the person before me. He was panting slightly and I kissed him one more time. When I had to leave due to Namjoon being just around the corner, I whispered quickly, "This is probably the last time I can do this to you," I pecked his lips, "Don't make this difficult for me. Spare me. Please make this the last time we see each other."

I had no more time left and ran off, leaving him behind.


Namjoon's P.O.V.

"I'm sure he's here somewhere. V, help me find him," I said as we walk around the building to find Jimin. "I'm Taehyung. Get it right," he said, clearly annoyed.

We walked around the corner and I was surprised when I saw Jimin leaning on the wall, panting, and blushing. "Jimin, don't go wandering off alone like that," I said as he sees me. I pulled him up on his feet and turned to Taehyung.

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