The Rise of (Rap) Monster

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Seokjin's P.O.V.

"Has ANYONE seen Namjoon?" I cried out desperately. He hasn't been back and it's almost midnight. I'm worried about him. I really need to take him somewhere relaxing with me. Hopefully we'll have a stronger relationship because we've been distant lately. Maybe that's why he's been out of the house so many times.

"Seokjin, go to sleep. I'll have people go and find him," V picks up his jacket and puts it on. I pick up my phone. "No! I'm going to call mother and father," I start to dial their number. Mother-in-law had gone back to father-in-law outside the country. They're like my own parents too so I feel like talking to them to help me feel better.

"Seokjin! Don't call them. They're very busy right now. If you don't want to sleep, then wait here while we go find him," V starts to leave with some staffs.

The front door opens. "Where are you guys going?" Namjoon appears out of nowhere. He looks tired but other than that, he looks like his normal self. "They were going to search for you!" I yelled as Namjoon walks past me.

"Don't worry. I'm already here. I was just with someone important," he mumbles and I whipped around. "Who were you with that made you come home so late?" anger can still be detected in my voice. "I hate staying up late because of you. You make me so worried that I can't sleep at night sometimes," my fists were balled up from anger and sadness. Namjoon turns around, his face was dark, and shouts, "I NEVER TOLD YOU TO WAIT FOR ME!"

A deathly silence followed after his booming voice. Nobody moved until Namjoon turns back to our room. "I'm going to sleep," he says calmly, making the air more tense. Nobody said a word and watched as he disappears into our bedroom.

"Everybody can leave now," V said with his deep voice. The staffs and workers scattered away; some went home. Namjoon has never yelled like that in years. The last time he did was when he was still an innocent 15 year old boy arguing with his father.

"Seokjin, are you okay?" V asks gently. I nodded and he comes up to me. "I think you should sleep in another room for tonight. Namjoon seemed pretty upset about something and I think you should leave him alone for now," he advised me and I nod again. "V, can you sleep with me again?" I whispered, not liking the idea of sleeping alone. It feels dark and lonely. "Seokjin, I don't think that's a good idea," he refuses. I know what he said was true. V is not my fiancé, he's only my friend. The one that should be sleeping with me is Namjoon, who is currently mad at me.

"I can stay in the room with you though," V attempts to make me feel better. I take V's hand and led him to a guest bedroom where I'll be sleeping tonight. I tucked myself into bed and V pulls a chair next to the bed. He sits down and assures me, "I'll be here until you sleep, okay?" I turned to face V. "Okay," I replied with my restful voice. With V's presence in the room, I dozed off within minutes.

(A few days later)

I take a second shower in the afternoon. I'm sure anyone can guess that V did something messy again.

Namjoon and I had apologized to each other the morning after out little fight. I didn't bother to ask him what was bothering him at the moment. He probably didn't want to talk about it yet.

Today, I want to go to the beach. I heard that there is a lot of good food and shops along the beach. I'm pretty sure Namjoon hasn't been there yet too. We have no work today so it'll be perfect. I told V to go home for the rest of the day so he won't cause anymore trouble.

I turn off the shower and step out of the bathroom with a bathrobe on. Some of my damp hair sticks to my forehead. 'Namjoon should be home by now,' I thought to myself and walked to the balcony. Namjoon was indeed back, so I pounced on him.

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