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Author's P.O.V.

(Another Month Later *sorry for all the time skips*)

Taehyung has been doing well with his new job. He saved the restaurant before it could fall apart to pieces. Mr. Kim was proud of him and always praised him and show him off to other people. People were shocked to hear about his other son who came out of nowhere at first but Taehyung was so charming that they soon came to love having him around. He's mature and manly around the older people and silly and cute around little kids. Many people are now always trying to get his attention or flirt with him. Taehyung loved the attention that he never really got before.

"Mr. Kim's son is so handsome."

"Oh! Kim Taehyung will be a perfect match for my daughter!"

"Taehyung? You mean Mr. Kim's other son?"

"He's such a gentleman."

Everyone talks about him all the time. Taehyung this, Taehyung that. What happened to the oldest son?

To answer that, Namjoon felt jealous of Taehyung. He use to be the center of attention, so what happened? Apparently, he doesn't do anything outstanding anymore and Taehyung outshines him. But it was basically his own fault for letting Taehyung run the restaurant, letting Seokjin go, and disobeying his father most the time. He doesn't like it one bit because he wants to be the better son. He should be the more successful one, not Taehyung. His father should have showed him off more because he's the oldest, not Taehyung.

This makes him go to Taehyung to talk. He wants the restaurant back.

Taehyung sits outside watching the sunset. Namjoon sits next to him.


Seokjin's P.O.V.

"Seokjin, when are you due? Your belly is so huge that I feel like the baby will pop out any moment," Jimin chuckles. I laugh back, "Stop asking that. You're making me really nervous because I'm due this month."

Having Jimin with me is actually very comforting. I'm not so alone anymore now that I have a friend to talk to. Jimin helps me around and makes me happy. I know that he's still unhappy about Jungkook. He hasn't seen him since they saw each other at the gym. I tried to talk to him about it but he always get teary-eyed so I didn't push it too much. It must be really hard for him to leave his boyfriend and stay with someone else that he didn't love in the first place but something had changed lately which worries me a little.

"Seokjin, I'm really confused right now. Since I'm always with Namjoon now, I...I'm starting to kind of like him," he confesses shyly. I asked him if he's sick. He isn't. Jimin can't fall in love with Namjoon now, not when Jungkook is still hurt. I try to make him distance himself from Namjoon but it didn't work because Namjoon was too lovable and irresistible. It's not Jimin's fault. I can completely relate to that. When I still loved Namjoon, I also became attracted to him very quickly. I'm just still worried about Jungkook. Plus, what if Namjoon hurts Jimin like how he had hurt me?

However, it was his choice so all I could do was voice out my opinions. He can do whatever he likes but I'll stop him if it's too dangerous. We have to watch out for each other after all. He also talks to me about Taehyung.

Taehyung drops by about once a week. "I just wanted to see if you are still alive and healthy," he would always say jokingly. We are still only acquaintances but we were on good terms. Jimin tells me that I should just go marry Taehyung instead. "Really, you should. Everyone wants to marry him now but he only has his eyes on you. The only problem is that you don't want to marry him. Like, come on, you're crazy! He loves you, you have his baby, and he'll be the perfect husband," Jimin tells me. I clarify that I didn't want to marry Taehyung once again and made Jimin shut up about the topic.

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