Fix This Problem

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Jungkook's P.O.V.

I had dad and appa drop me off at Jimin's house after seeing him with Namjoon. Jimin's grandma let me in before going to the neighbor's house. I don't want to jump to conclusions yet. They've just met not too long ago. I kept thinking as I sat on Jimin's bed. I finally noticed a pile of mess. I went over and examined it.

Hmm.....broken desk, broken jars, wet papers...........and jam? Was he angry at something? My hand touches the floor. It was wet. I took a closer look. Away from the spilled rootbeer was some sparkly red and gold little snowflakes in a small puddle of water. I then see some glass near it. The snow globe? Did he not want it anymore? But what if it's from something else? Jimin wouldn't break the snow globe. He's a little clumsy but he won't break it.

I was proven wrong when something gleamed from the corner of my eye. I took the tiny gleaming thing in my hand. It was the winding key for the snow globe that I gave for Jimin.

I felt angry and irritated. It took me such a long time to make that snow globe and he just throws it away like that? Well then, forget about being calm and understanding. I tell myself to not jump to conclusions. But I couldn't help myself.

Jimin probably has feelings for Namjoon. He must have been with Namjoon everyday since I left. He broke the snow globe because he doesn't want the gift I gave him anymore.

Laughter comes near the room. I stood up, not very happy. The door busts open and Jimin drags Namjoon into the room, both of them still laughing. But Jimin's smile was wiped off when he sees me. He immediately let go of Namjoon's hand. We stare at each other.

"Jungkook.......why are you here? Are you really Jungkook?" he asks, still showing no smile. My heart sinks. "What? You don't want me to be here? You're not even sure if I'm your boyfriend?" I struggled to keep my voice in control. Namjoon awkwardly speaks. "Umm.......I'm sorry-" I cut him off by throwing the winding key in front of Jimin's feet. "I don't want to hear anything else. You two can stay and enjoy each other. I'm leaving," I said harshly and stormed out of the room. Jimin didn't come after me.


Jimin's P.O.V.

"Wha-" I breathe out soon after Jungkook left. "Namjoon, was that really Jungkook?" I asked, just to be sure that I wasn't hallucinating. "Jimin, I'm so sorry," Namjoon says in a guilty voice. "For what?" I said in a confusing voice. Namjoon stares at me like I'm crazy. "Jimin, Jungkook left because he was mad. He thought we were being too......friendly with each other. I'm sorry, I'll try to help clear this up," he says apologetically.

My brain processes what he said. "Oh, no. I'm so screwed," I run out of the door, trying to find Jungkook again. But I was 5 minutes late. He's gone.

When I first entered my room with Namjoon, I was shocked to see Jungkook. I had thought that he would coming tomorrow. I couldn't believe that he was actually there. It was too good to be real. So instead of smiling and running to hug him, I gawk at him like I was dumb. I didn't even hear half of the things that he said because I was paying attention to his attractive voice instead. How stupid of me. How is that even possible? Now he's angry with me. It's not really his fault. If I were him, I'd be mad too.

I sat down outside and took a shaky breath, thinking of a way to clear this up. Someone sits next to me. "Is there anything I can maybe help you with?" He asks softly. I remember the winding key that Jungkook threw. "Oh! Namjoon, can you take me to your mom again?" I asked hopefully. "What? Why do you want to meet my mother again in this situation?" he asks. I told him to wait. I ran back up to my room, grabbed the winding key, then returned to Namjoon. "It's for the snow globe," I explained.

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