Kim Taehyung

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"Namjoon hyung, allow me to explain."

Taehyung remembers his past:

(Author: I'm sorry for interrupting but fyi, Taehyung's past wasn't completely revealed to Mr. Kim and Namjoon. Right now, he is only recalling his past, not explaining it to anybody. The next few P.O.V.s are basically flashbacks.)


Taehyung's P.O.V.

I was only three years old when I spotted many children with their parents at the zoo. I wondered why my parents weren't with me. I turned to Uncle. "Uncle, where are my parents?" I ask. Uncle would always become sad and pat my head everytime I mention them. "Tae, they're just busy with work out of town," he replied softly.

I was so young and little that I quickly believed it and decide to wait patiently for them to come see me one day. They are probably working hard for me.


I was five when I went to my first day of school. Uncle would walk me to school to make sure that I'd be safe. Before I enter the school, I asked Uncle about my parents again, "Uncle, when are my parents going to come see me? I want them to know that I'm going to school!" I was very excited about school because I'd get to learn more about planets, drawing, and more! Again, Uncle turned blue and said the same thing, "Tae, they're still busy with work. They'll visit you when they have enough time."

Being the little innocent child that I was, I only nodded and skipped to class. I'll be good to make my parents proud of me. I don't remember being with them when I was a baby but I miss them a lot.


I was seven when I got bullied for the first time. The memory stayed stuck in my head.

"Hey! Taehyung! What are you doing?" my classmate asked me. I was making silly faces and sound effects while using my imagination. "I'm playing," I told him. He laughs at me, saying how I was weird. It didn't affect me at first, so I continued playing. About a few weeks later, things got bad.

"Taehyung! Are you still talking to yourself?" the same classmate snickers with a few friends. I told them that I wasn't. I was only expanding my imagination. They didn't pay any attention to what I'm saying. One of his friends steps out.

"Taehyung, you're stupid," he says, pointing at me directly. A voice comes in right after, "You're dumb." Another voice, "Weird." They surround me, giving me no way out. "Does he even belong on this planet?" They laugh at me. I only stand there confused. Did I do something wrong?

"Hey, alien, go back to your planet. You don't belong on Earth."


I was ten when I was chased by the group of bullies. School ended and I was walking home when the group saw me and followed me. They talked to me but I acted like they weren't there, which only angered them. When they start to chase me, I ran as fast as I could.

They soon surrounded me by a tree. I backed up until my back was pressed against the rough bark. The boys come closer, and I tried to stay calm. They say the usual things that they always say to me. They called me things that weren't my name and made up lies about me. I kept quiet because I heard that if I didn't do anything, they'd lose interest and leave. But that wasn't true. When I didn't open my mouth at all, one of them suggests, "Hey, since he's being annoying, let's just spit on him instead of hurting him. Someone might catch us then and we'll get into trouble."

The others agreed and giggled. I didn't know what was so funny. They all spat in my face, one by one. One of them didn't want to spit, so he opened his milk carton from lunch and poured it slowly on my head. The milk runs down my face and wets my uniform. One kid looked around in case an adult was nearby. "Guys, what if he tell his parents?"

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