Him to Him

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Author's P.O.V.


Jimin drops his phone on the cold floor of his living room before placing himself in front of the windows. His hand slides down the cool surface, leaving faint prints behind. The window fogged up a bit from his breaths that pumped out of his slightly opened mouth.

The phone on the ground was still on, revealing an article that makes Jimin burn inside. It's just a simple article but had successfully made a huge impact on the said man. Jimin could barely talk after reading the short page.

Seokjin happened to be there too since he had free time. The two were planning to eat and watch a thriller movie but Jimin got distracted. He just didn't expect Jimin to be like this. How is Jimin exactly you ask?

Raging in the inside but tearful on the outside. Whimpering from pain in his head but softly breathing through his mouth. His whole body inside and out hurts so much that he couldn't say anything at all. He didn't even consider the fact that it could only be false news. It is a rumor after all.

"Jungkook couldn't be dating someone. I know he won't do that," Seokjin walks to the phone and picked it up, skimming through the article again. 'Rising Star Jungkook and Anonymous Trainee.'

The news had rumors going around about Jungkook being in a relationship with a trainee from the same company. Many rumors had been spread about celebrities and Jimin usually didn't care but Jungkook was the only one he was concerned about.

Not only was it because he loves the young man, but he was worried about how Jungkook is about this.

Jimin didn't want to believe the article but the memory from a few days ago only added more evidence to support what he didn't want to believe. Jungkook is seeing someone.


"I...I'm already seeing someone."

The words shot Jimin in the heart as he staggered backwards until his back hit the wall. Jungkook had surprised him since he didn't think that Jungkook would even like another person. He hadn't even fully recovered when Jungkook continued, not aware of Jimin's condition.

"I didn't think that you'd ever love me back so I gave a chance to another person," Jungkook went to hold Jimin but couldn't. He ran off before Jungkook could even touched him.

Bolting through the halls and down the stairs, Jimin's throat ached from panting too hard, the air drying his lips. He wanted be comforted so bad but there was no one around. Seokjin is with his family, his grandma is at home, and Jungkook...Jungkook...

He collapsed right in the middle of the empty hallway. Sobs pushed their way out of Jimin, choking him so much that he covered his mouth with his hands to quiet them down. He propped himself against the wall nearby and stared out the huge window.

The moon was the only source of light in the dark hall, glowing so soft that it helped Jimin. Once Jimin had controlled of the noises from him, he shuffled his way into the moonlight that shone through the window. The light provided warmth as if it was made to keep him at ease. It smiled gently at Jimin and to make him feel better, the stars twinkled even more, decorating the night sky.

When Taehyung came looking for Jimin to inform him that they're leaving, Jimin quickly wiped away any trace of tears on his face. It was dark enough so that Taehyung couldn't see how Jimin's eyes were.

He then followed Taehyung down the hall to the exit. Jimin felt a presence behind him so before he turned around the corner, he glanced behind him and saw Jungkook at the end of the hall.

"Come on, this way," Taehyung points forward and Jimin's steps increased, leaving Jungkook standing in his previous spot in the moonlight.

*End of Flashback*

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