Finding Hansung

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Jungkook's P.O.V.

I can't believe that Namjoon has been arrested because of me. Of course I'm glad. I never liked him anyway but since mother called from the police station for me to come, I had no choice. How the police know about my assault hasn't been told to me yet, which made me wonder who even called the police about this.

When Big Bang's Haru Haru starts to play on the radio, I shut it off. No need for music now. So I drove in silence with my eyes focused on the road. I still don't understand why I have to get up late at night to meet up with mom at the police station because Namjoon was arrested. Everything was dark and there's no one out. Only a few cars past by but other than that there's nothing else.

In the silence, I can't help but think about what I am going to do once I get to the police station. Will they question me? Am I in trouble too? For what? Am I only needed to visit Namjoon? But I don't want to see him. He's been strangely happy and it's even stranger to know that's he's been arrested.

Oh look, I'm going by Seokjin's apartment building. Wait a minute. What's that?

I slowed down when I saw some movements in the parking lot. I squint and a limp body was being carried by a suspicious man. Another man was carrying a small bundle in his arms. I was going to continue driving but then something caught my attention. Broad shoulders.


No, probably not. Seokjin wouldn't be out this late now since he's been busy and tired according to Taehyung. But I was still not sure.

Curious, I stopped the car from a safe distance and got out. I still have to confirm that the person is Seokjin. As I walked closer, the men were opening up their car, preparing to put the person inside but I then got a better look at the unconscious man. Oh no, it's definitely Seokjin. Realizing this, I start to run.

I'm still tired so I try to stay balanced and avoid tripping. The bundle was placed in the back. My body starts to wake up and I start breathed heavily already. My loud footsteps haven't alarmed them yet.

"Hey! Let him go!" I shout. The men were startled and rushed once they've been caught by me. I ran faster and pulled the first man along with Seokjin. We had a tug-of-war between the man and I for Seokjin. I'm not going to let this stranger take the person that my brother loves. Taehyung loves Seokjin so much that I'm sure he won't survive without him.

The war continues and the second man starts the car. Having no choice, the first man gives up Seokjin and shoves him towards me. I struggled to get back up again with Seokjin on me. The man got inside before the car screeches and zooms off, leaving me confused and frustrated.

Who are they and what do they want?

Still, I remembered Seokjin and turned to him. "Seokjin," I said, shaking him. He stays unconscious with no movements. What in the world happened?

I'm unsure of what to do because I've never really been in these kinds of situations. Debating on who to call, I was going to call mother. She knows Seokjin well and is still awake and waiting for me.

Just then, headlights blind me. I used my arm to block the light as another car parks. "Seokjin!" Taehyung comes out furiously. He pauses when he sees me. "Jungkook? What happened?" He kneels beside me and I hand Seokjin over to him.

He quickly inspects Seokjin before wrapping him up with his jacket since the handsome man was still only in his pajamas. Worry and anger was written on his face. I've been closer to Taehyung once I've found out that we were brothers somehow. He's Mr. Kim's son and I'm Mrs. Kim's son. He sets his eyes on me and I remember that he had asked me a question.

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