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It's been weeks since Mitch has spoken to Scott. He seems him sometimes at school but they never talk to each other anymore.

Mitch spends most of his time with Avi now. He quickly learns that Avi is a possessive boyfriend. He doesn't like Mitch spending time with anyone really, especially other boys. Not that Mitch has other guy friends.

Kirstie sighs as she walks into the cafeteria. She looks around and spots Scott sitting at a table by himself. He looks sad so Kirstie decides to walk over and sit down beside him.

Scott blinks a few times as he looks up. He never really hung out with Kirstie before so he's surprised to see her.

"Hey, do you mind if I sit here? My best friend got stolen so I don't really have anyone to sit with anyone," Kirstie says as she pulls out her lunch bag.

Scott shrugs and then he looks over, just as Avi and Mitch have started a heated makeout session at their table. He shakes his head and looks away.

"I would suggest try talking to him but... Avi wouldn't let you talk to him anyways-" Kirstie scoffs. "I can't even have a conversation with him without Avi staring at me like a hawk. Like, bitch please... If I wanna talk to my best friend then I will. Ugh, he pisses me off."

Scott sighs as he looks up at Kirstie. "I don't care if you sit there but please don't talk about Mitch," he says.

Kirstie frowns as she looks at Scott, but nods.

Kirstie still doesn't know what happened between Scott and Mitch as Mitch never told her, all he did was cry to her one night about how much he hates boys. All she knows is that both Scott and Mitch are hurting.

She also knows that Mitch doesn't really like Avi like he says he does, he's clearly using him as a distraction.


"So," Avi says as he leans closer to Mitch.

Mitch looks over at Avi and smiles, then takes his hand.

"There's going to be a party this weekend," Avi begins. "I'm pretty sure I'm going to go and I would love if you went as my plus one. What do you say?"

Mitch frowns and shakes his head.

I don't do parties, especially high school parties. I don't know any of these people and everybody hates me.

"Come on, that's not true-"

Need I remind you the day we started hanging out? You literally had to clean my face because someone bullied me.

"That was one person, and I made sure to let him know not to mess with you again," Avi says.

Please don't make me go Avi, I don't like parties.

"Mitch, you gotta have fun every once in awhile,"

Yeah but you can actually defend yourself if someone tries to mess with you. I can't.

"Babe, I wouldn't ever let something happen to you, you should know that by now," Avi whispers, gently kissing Mitch's cheek.

Mitch bites his lip slightly as he looks at Avi.

You promise that you won't let anything happen?

"I promise," Avi chuckles at him. "Now, will you please go?"

Fine, but my parents will not be happy about this.

"And, who says you have to tell your parents?" Avi raises his eyebrows.

Mitch looks at him with shock on his face.

No! I told you that I hate lying to my parents, and my mom always finds out. I don't want to get grounded for lying and sneaking out to a party. I've never been grounded before in my life.

"Whoa, Mitchy... calm down. All you have to do is tell a simple white lie. Just tell them that you're going to my house so technically you're telling the truth... we're just also going to be going to a party," Avi says.

Mitch pouts.

You're such a bad influence on me.

Avi laughs. "You just need to have a bit more fun,"

I can't speak, Avi. That alone takes a lot of fun out of my life.

"Okay, I didn't ask for the attitude," Avi snaps.

Mitch frowns and looks away.

Why did he say yes to Avi? He would rather stay single and miserable, and still moping over the fact that his crush doesn't seem to like him back. But now he has a possessive boyfriend who likes to control him.

learning to trust. (scomiche au) // COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now