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We had been sitting in this train car for three days now. They were giving us barely enough food and water to survive.

Why did I ignore my instincts? Maybe because I was so hopeful that this place could be a home. Stupid.

"We'll get out," Glenn promised.

"When?" I asked, my voice reprimanding.

He sighed and didn't respond.

I laid my head on my mom's shoulder. I was so hungry.

"Glenn's right," my dad responded, standing up. "We will get out."

Rosita was cleaning her knife angrily.

Suddenly, the door to the car opened and four people stepped inside.

The first one was a man probably in his late forties. He had a big bushy beard.

The second one was a man around the same age. He wore a sleeveless vest.

The third was a woman with sick dreadlocks.

The fourth was a kid around my age. Was he the kid Glenn had told me about?

The door closed behind them.

Glenn's eyes went wide and he stood up. We all followed him.

Him and Maggie walked to the front of the group.

"Rick?" Glenn asked, referring to Beard Man. Yes, that is what I am going to call him.

Rick turned to them. His eyes went wide as well.

"You're here," he stated, his voice holding a deep Southern accent. "You're here."

Glenn nodded, still in shock.

Rick's attention turned to all of us and became suspicious.

"They're our friends," Maggie explained. "They helped save us."

Rick's eyes landed on Tara and they became malicious.

The one person that would not stop looking at me was the kid. His eyes kept landing back on me in interest.

I crossed my arms and pretended like it didn't bother me.

"Yeah," Vest Man said, agreeing with Maggie. "Now they're friends of ours."

My parents and I exchanged a glance. These people seemed ready to fight. Finally.

"For however long that'll be," my dad pointed out and walked back.

"No," Rick disagreed, causing my dad to turn back to him.

"They're gonna feel pretty stupid when they find out," Rick stated, looking out the door.

"Find out what?" my dad asked.

Rick slowly turned to us.

"They're screwing with the wrong people."

Author's Note: We have (finally) come to the end of season 4

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