Dead or Alive Or

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I stared at the sea of bodies surrounding me, not knowing how on earth I didn't get bit.

My clothes were covered in blood and guts, but I wasn't harmed.

I sighed tiredly. My anger had finally gone away, but I didn't feel any better. If anything, I felt sadder. Part of me just wished I could curl up and die.

Taking a deep breath, I forced my feet to start moving.

I needed to find the group.


After an hour of almost aimless wandering, I heard faint voices. Stopping, I took a deep breath. I clutched my dad's necklace before slowly continuing.

The group finally started to come into view. It was clear that they were arguing about something. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before walking closer to them.

A branch snapped beneath my foot and everyone's head whipped around. Their eyes grew wide when they saw me.

"Bree," Daryl said in shock, looking at my blood covered clothes.

I took a deep breath, not wanting to talk about Carl, and walked over.

"Is everyone okay?" I asked, my voice tired and numb.

They all nodded.

I sighed. "Let's keep going."

They nodded again and put out their fire before silently following me.


We finally approached the gates of Hilltop and my heart seemed to jump into my throat.

I took a deep breath and turned to the group.

"You guys should let me go first," I told them. "We don't want them to be overwhelmed. I'll explain what happened to them and then you can come."

"Okay," Rosita whispered, looking at me with sad eyes.

I sighed and walked up to the gate.

"Maggie?" I called. "It's Bree."

She quickly appeared at the top of the gate. "Bree. Cal, open the gate!"

The gate slowly opened and I walked in. Maggie met me.

She took in my appearance and she dawned a shocked look.

"Bree, what happened?" she asked worriedly. "Are you okay?"

I exhaled. "Can you gather everyone up?"

She was silent for a moment before nodding.

Soon, almost the entirety of Hilltop was before me. I clutched my necklace, not knowing how to start.

"Um," I breathed. "I have my group with me but I wanted to talk to you before I brought them all in."

Everyone stared at me, worry written on their faces. Enid, Maggie, and Carol were at the front.

I exhaled deeply. "Alexandria was destroyed last the Saviors. It's completely gone."

Everyone fell into shocked silence.

"Was anyone hurt?" Maggie asked.

I closed my eyes, knowing I had to say it.

"Bree. What is it?"

I slowly opened my eyes and looked at her.

"Carl died," I whispered, the words tasting like poison in my mouth.

Her eyes widened and she covered her mouth with her hand.

Enid slowly started crying heavily, doubling over.

"Bring everyone in," Maggie said softly and I nodded.

Everyone filed in.

Enid has dropped to her knees, sobbing.

As I led everyone inside, I stopped beside her. I looked down at her and put my hand on her shoulder for a long moment.

Then, I sighed and continued into Hilltop.

AN: my poor bree baby i'm so sad
also would you guys like to see bree's necklace? it actually exists and i could take a pic of it if you wanted

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