The Key Part 2

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After checking on Georgie and her people, Michonne and I walked into Maggie's office.

"We should make the deal and let them go before the Saviors get here," she told Maggie.

I took a deep breath and didn't say anything. I had no idea what I believed.

"I can't let her go," Maggie denied. "Not with what they have. I got too many mouths to feed. They have crates of food in that van. People could be starving soon."

"Maggie's right," a voice said from behind us.

Michonne and I turned to see Enid, who had just walked.

I took another deep breath. Did she actually have a say in this?

"We take their stuff," she continued. "Otherwise, someone else will. Someone else will kill them. It's a miracle they're still alive anyways." She walked up to Michonne. "The Saviors are on their way. "We're gonna fight, and some of us are gonna die, so why should we give a sh*t about people who don't give a sh*t about themselves? I mean, out there living like that?! We take their stuff, and we use it. We stop pretending that things just work out. They don't."

"Carl rescued Siddiq and now we have a doctor," Michonne pointed out. "And we have a friend." She reached forward and grabbed Enid's gun. "Carl was brave."

Enid took another step towards Michonne. "And now he's dead."

My head snapped up. I was gonna try to stay quiet, but I couldn't about this.

"I've got this, Michonne," I said. Michonne stepped aside and I took her place.

"How long did you know him, Enid?" I asked, fuming.

She squirmed slightly. "Um, I don't really-"

"Answer the question," I demanded loudly. "How long did you know Carl Grimes?"

She took a deep breath. "A year, maybe," she whispered.

I took a step towards her, getting in her face. "Don't talk about him. Ever."

I took a few steps toward the door before turning back.

"We keep Georgie and her people here," I stated. "We hide them in the cellar when the Saviors come and once we beat them, we work out a deal. It's my word and it's final."

And with that, I walked out, slamming the door behind me.


That night, I sat down by the pond, hugging my knees. (ik that hilltop doesn't have a pond but let me have this one thing ok)

I knew what I had to do. I couldn't keep avoiding it.

With shaking hands, I took out the letter that Carl wrote me and slowly opened it before starting to read.

I am shaking while writing this. And I know that by the time you read this, I'll be gone. I can't tell you how sorry I am. I have tried so hard these past few months to do everything I can to not hurt you more than this world already has. But that's exactly what I'm doing. I hate myself for it. But I can't change it now so I want you to know one thing. I love you so much. You are the strongest, kindest, most beautiful person I have ever known, and I'm so lucky that I met you. You are my best friend, my greatest love, and my partner to the end. You mean the world to me. You've always been so much stronger than me. I would've given up a long time ago if I was in your place. But I stand by what I said that night. You can't give up. There are so many people that need you. You and my dad are the greatest leaders that I've ever known. I'm always with you, Bree. And I can't wait to see you again someday.

I love you

With tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat, I took out the other thing in the envelope. It was the picture that Carl, Judith, and I took the morning of the fight.

I stared at it, memories rushing back, as I finally let it all go.

And for the first time, sitting at the pond in Hilltop on a cold, starless night, hugging the letter and picture to my chest, I cried over Carl Grimes.

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