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I looked around at everyone preparing for battle when I heard a voice call out.

"Good day, Bree Ford of Alexandria!"

I sighed, immediately knowing it was Ezekiel, and turned around.

"Hello, King Ezekiel," I greeted as he walked up to me. "How's the Kingdom's preparation coming along?"

"Well, thank you," he responded. He put a hand on my shoulder. "We are lucky to have you on our front line with me, Rick, and Maggie."

I nodded in thanks and he walked off.

I looked around, never having felt so ready to fight in my life.


I looked around my trailer, trying to see if there was anything I forgot.

Suddenly, I got a wave of nausea and I quickly ran to the toilet.

After throwing up my entire breakfast, I quickly popped a breath mint in my mouth and headed out.

I had been throwing up more and more lately. It was a crazy inconvenient time to get sick and I was starting to get really tired of it.


Rick, Michonne, Daryl, Carol, Maggie, and I crowded around the map as we figured out a route.

"We'll stick to this road," Daryl decided. "Keep to the trees, we'll get there quicker. Plus, we can keep an eye on the road that way."

"Yeah," I agreed, running a hand through my hair. "If they're planning anything, we'll see it."

"You think you can trust Gregory?" Michonne asked Maggie. "What he told us?"

"I locked him up inside the house," Maggie responded. "He knew I wouldn't let him walk around free. He knew he was coming back to that. He doesn't believe in anything except himself, and he'd have to believe in the Saviors a whole lot to send us into a trap and think it would work out for him."

"Unless Dwight didn't tell him," Daryl pointed out. That a*shole could be setting us up."

There was an unspoken agreement between us and Rick folded up the map.

Something caught my eye and I turned to see Morgan walking by us looking very paranoid.

Carol went after him.

"What's up with him?" I mumbled to the others.

We watched as the gate opened and the captured Saviors walked in.

Morgan immediately went at them but ended up hitting Henry as he and Carol tried to stop him.

Morgan finally stumbled back and looked at us as we gathered around.

"They were, uh," Morgan stuttered. "They were gone. They were coming in."

"I asked Maggie if we could clear the walkers from the wall," Alden explained. "We...drew them away so we wouldn't have to worry about them when we rolled out."

"He did," Maggie confirmed.

There was a moment of silence.

"Let's keep getting ready, everyone," Rick announced. "First team's going in 20."

"Everyone I assigned to the armory, come with me," I ordered.

I walked off with my group, hoping that everything wasn't about to go wrong.


I was loading my gun when I heard Maggie call my name.

"Bree," she called. "We're heading out! You ready?"

"Yeah," I called back. I closed the barrel and jogged to catch up with her.

With her and I leading the group, we opened the gate and started our journey towards the destination we've been looking forward to for months.

Negan's death.


As we were starting to get closer to our destination, I had to stop for a second as my stomach cramped.

I hissed in pain and squatted to try and lessen the pain.

Maggie immediately stopped and turned to me. "Bree, are you okay?" she asked worriedly.

"Yeah," I grunted as I stood back up. "I'm fine."

"Bree-" she started.

"I'm fine," I repeated, clipping off each word, and started walking again. "Let's keep going."

She sighed and followed.

"Maybe you should go back to Hilltop," she suggested. "We can't have you getting sick."

"I'm not sick!" I denied in frustration.

"But that doesn't mean you won't get sick."

"Maggie," I said forcefully, turning to her. "Can you please just leave it alone?"

She noticed by tone and gave me a worried look but put up her hands in surrender.

We got out our guns and plundered on.


Soon, we came to our meeting place.

Almost immediately, the sound of many people whistling broke the silence and we all held up our guns.

Here we go.

AN: hey y'all! i am so sorry this chapter took so long! i will hopefully be updating more frequently from now on!

q&a time! what's your favorite thing about bree?

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