Self Help

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I was sitting in the very back of the bus while everyone else talked about hair up in the front.

I had just reached a new chapter in the book I was reading when I heard someone softly clear their throat.

Looking over, I saw Glenn standing in the aisle. He smiled. "Scooch."

I quickly obeyed, moving over to the inside of the seat as he sat next to me.

He sighed. "What's going on with you?" he asked kindly. "You haven't said a word since we left."

Exhaling softly, I shrugged. "I just miss everyone, I guess. My mom, uncle Tyreese....Carl."

A small smile tugged at Glenn's lips. "I do, too. But don't worry, okay? We'll be with them again really soon. I promise."

I couldn't hide the smile that came on my face.

He put his arm around my shoulders and I laid my head on his shoulder, feeling a lot of weight tumble off me.


Around 10 minutes later (me being in a much better mood), Glenn and I were back at the front sitting with Maggie.

Glenn and I turned when we heard the brunette speak.

"Maybe they're just behind us," she fantasized. "Maybe Daryl and Carol came back. Maybe they took the map, found some cars, and they're just down the road."

"They'll catch up," Glenn assured. "We're clearing the way for them."

Maggie smiled a little. I found myself hoping with everything in me that Maggie was right.

She turned back to Eugene. "How long will it be?" she asked him. "After you get on that terminal and do what you need to do?"

"Depends on a number of factors including density of the infected around target sites worldwide," Eugene replied.

Why, I wondered, could the guy never give a simple, straight answer?

"Wait," Glenn intercepted. "Target sites? Are you talking about missiles?"

Eugene took a moment before answering, "That's classified."

I rolled my eyes at his classic reply.

"I thought we were over that," Glenn thought out loud.

"Me, too," I agreed.

Eugene gave me a look before answering Glenn. "What if we all live?"

"The secrets will matter then?" Glenn asked.

"They might. Anyway, the speed with which things normalize depend on a number of factors including worldwide weather patterns, which were modeled without the assumption that cars, planes, boats, and trains wouldn't be pouring hydrocarbons into the atmosphere this long. Changed the game quite a bit when it comes to air-transmissible pathogens."

Glenn let Eugene's answer hang in the air for a bit before simply asking, "Why the hair?"

"Because I like it," Eugene stared. "And no one is taking scissor or clipper to it anytime soon. You hear me, Miss Espinosa?"

"Yes, loud and clear," Rosita chuckled.

I breathed out a laugh and sat back in my seat.

"Y'all can laugh all you want," Eugene said defensively.

"No one was making fun," Maggie assured.

The smile slowly left my face and I got up, going over to sit next to my dad as Eugene continued to defend his choice of hair style.

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