Twice As Far

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I had been pacing at the gate for about a half an hour. The group was a day late and I was insanely worried.

"Bree," Carl called from the watch post. "You're giving me whiplash. I'm sure they're fine."

I gave him a disbelieving look and climbed onto the post.

"You're dad is in that group," I reminded forcefully. "How can you not be worried?"

He sighed. "My dad has been the leader of every group we've been apart of. He goes on pretty much every single one of these things. I'm used to this."

"Well, I'm not!" I felt tears welling in my eyes. "My parents are out there. Glenn and Maggie are out there. Maggie's pregnant! I should've gone-"

Carl cut my off by putting his hands on my shoulders. "Hey, it's okay."

I felt a tear slide down my cheek and I closed my eyes. "I'm so scared," I whispered.

"I know," he said softly.

He pulled me into a hug and I let it all go.

He rubbed my back and I felt like I could stay there forever.

(AN: these two are pretty dang cute if i do say so myself)


A couple hours later, I saw the RV finally roll into Alexandria.

I immediately ran over and met everyone as they got off.

Maggie was the first one to come out and she came over and hugged me.

"What happened?" I asked. "Why were you guys late?"

Her face conveyed that she couldn't talk about it and Glenn walked over as she walked away.

"Her and Carol got taken by the Saviors," he said softly.

My eyes widened and my heart beat quicked. "Oh my god, are they okay? Is the baby okay?"

"Yes," he quickly assured. "They're okay. We need to be grateful that they really know how to kick *ss."

I breathed out a laugh before going over to hug my parents.

"I'm never missing one of these again," I informed them.

They exchanged a glance. "We'll see," my mom responded.


A while later, Rosita, Daryl, and Denise had gone on a run and so did my dad and Eugene.

Carl was hanging out with Enid and Glenn was taking stock with Olivia so Maggie and I decided to hang out on her porch.

I nursed my glass of tea as I rocked in the rocking chair.

"How are you feeling?" I asked Maggie.

She smiled softly. "A lot better. I still feel a little pain here and there but other than that I'm okay."

I nodded. "Good." A little smile came on my face. "You know, I have always wanted to be a mom?"

She gave me a surprised look. "Really?"

My smile grew. "Yeah, just ask my mom: I would always talk about having kids when I was younger. I talked about how I would raise them, what their names would be, I had a full game plan." My smile faded. "Guess that dream
is down the drain."

She reached over and took my hand. "Hey, I never thought I would ever have a kid when all of this started. And then I met Glenn."

I chuckled. "I don't know, we'll see."

We turned as we heard the gate open. My dad, Daryl, and Rosita came in carrying an unconscious Eugene.

But where was Denise.

Maggie and I exchanged a shocked glance before running over.

"What happened to Eugene?" I asked my dad. "And where's Denise?"

As Daryl and Rosita carried Eugene off, my dad put his hand on my shoulder.

"Denise is dead," he said softly.

I felt my heart stop. "Saviors?" I whispered.

He nodded.

As he walked off, thoughts raced through my head.

We no longer have a doctor.

God, what are we gonna tell Tara when she gets back?

How many of us are the Saviors gonna kill?

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