Last Day on Earth Part 3

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Eventually we were stopped once again due to a gigantic pile of logs in our way.

Getting out of the RV, we slowly approached the obstacle.

Eugene noticed the tire tracks on the ground. "These tracks, they would only indicate that they not only have people, but some big-*ss toys and capabilities."

My dad stepped forward. "What it indicates is that we are neck-deep up sh*t creek with our mouths wide open."

"Thanks for that charming analogy, dad," I said sarcastically.

Suddenly, we heard screaming behind us and we turned to see the man that the Saviors were attacking before he thrown off the bridge above us. The chain they had tied around his neck stopped him and he immediately started choking.

Aaron immediately raised his gun.

"Don't," my dad ordered.

"I can try and break the chain," Aaron responded, clearly panicking.

"It won't work."

"I can try!"

"It won't work," Rick reiterated. "And we need the bullets."

Watching the man choke was awful, but there was nothing else we could do.

After he finally died, we heard crackling as the logs in the road were set on fire.

We turned and watched the flames.

""You're treating your people good, right?" a voice called. I recognized it as the Savior from the first group. "Like it was your last day on Earth? Or maybe one of their's?"

Everyone glanced at me, knowing he was quoting me.

"You better go," he called. "It's gonna get hot. You go get where you're going."

"Go," Rick ordered, as we all ran back to the truck. I was as quickly as I could with my leg.

My dad got behind the wheel, and soon, we were off.


We pulled over about a half an hour later to plan our next course of action.

"So what's the play?" my dad asked.

Rick came back from checking on Maggie. "She needs a doctor."

I sighed and looked at the map. "There are two more routes north from here."

"They're probably waiting for us right now," Aaron added.

Eugene shook his head. "So they're ahead of us and probably behind us. But they're not waiting on us, per se, they're waiting on this rust bucket. And they don't know the moment-to-moment occupancy of said rust bucket. And the sun sets soon."

We all looked around at each other, understanding Eugene's plan.

It was risky, but we didn't have a choice.

We had to try.


We waited until nightfall. Rick used the last of our gas to refill the tank and was giving Eugene pointers on what to do when my dad came up to me.

"Bree," he said hesitantly. "Maybe you should stay with Eugene."

"What?" I asked, shocked. "No, I'm coming with you."

"You haven't stopped limping."

"I'm okay!" I assured. "Look, I'm helping you guys to get Maggie to Hilltop. And you can't stop me."

He looked like he wanted to object, but he didn't. He simply pulled me into a hug.

"I love you, darlin'," he whispered.

A smile tugged at my lips. "I love you, dad."

Soon we pulled away and he went off to talk to Eugene.

I took a deep breath and Carl walked over next to me

"You ready?" he asked.

I looked at him and breathed an almost laugh. "No. But we don't have a choice."

He rubbed my shoulder quickly and we got Maggie out on the stretcher.

Eugene got back into the RV and we headed into the woods.

Carl kept a look out for walkers ahead of us while the rest of us carried the stretcher.

"Bree," I heard Maggie mumbled. I looked down to her. "Please. Just let me walk it."

"Relax," I said gently. "Just a few more miles."

Carl started talking to Rick but I couldn't focus on any of it.

Fear was filling my mind like water filled a pool. Once again, not having my dad's necklace made me really uneasy.

I was ripped from my thoughts as a whistle cut through the silence.

We all stopped to listen to it, giving each other panicked looks. More people joined in and we could see movements in the trees.

Finally, Rick spoke up.

"Go," he ordered. "Go!"

We immediately started running. I forced myself to ignore the burning pain in my leg.

Soon, we came into a clearing and stopped running as blaring lights were suddenly turned on and the whistling became louder and in sync.

I looked around in fear as dozens of men came in from all sides. My fear turned into horror when I saw the RV. When I saw Eugene, with a bruised and bloody face, down on his knees.

This is it, I thought. We were cornered.

We were done.

AN: and unfortunately i can't update again until i get up tomorrow. but i am so nervous my dudes

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