Meeting him

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Chapter 1

"Kiana can you hurry your pretty little white ass up already?!" Katherine yelled from outside my bedroom door.

"Yeah yeah! Keep your panties on." I mumbled as I gave myself another once over in my full length mirror. I wore light blue skinny jeans with a fancy black tank top and a pair of plain black flats. I was never really one for heels and I wear them enough for work.

I ran my hand through my auburn hair that stopped just below my breasts in waves and brushed my bangs to the side. I had on a tiny amount of make up, eyeliner and mascara to make my hazel eyes pop out. I was 5'6 so I was fairly short but I didn't mind it that much.

"Ok that's it! I'm coming in!" Kat yelled and seconds later my door flew open and my best friend stepped in dressed in a red cocktail dress that had one shoulder and stopped a little above her knees. Her dark blond hair was in perfect waves and she had her usual smokey eye make up on that made her baby blue eyes stand out. She wore a pair of black pumps making her even taller than me than usual. She was beautiful and gifted with a smoking body like hers. She had the ass and the boobs. Me? I just had a flat stomach, small boobs and hardly any ass.

"You really couldn't wait 5minutes?" I asked amused as I reached for my phone and slipped it in my back pocket.

"I'm just super excited to celebrate your huge sale!" She said enthusiastically. I was a real estate agent and did pretty well for myself. I smiled and walked over to her.

"Lets go then, shall we?" I asked and she linked her arm with mine and nodded her head. As we made our way down to the the lobby of my apartment building Kat was telling me about her art show that was coming up soon. She was an artist and I have never seen anyone draw or paint as beautiful as her. She was a master mind.

I tipped my head to our door man, Toby, as we made our way to the taxi that was waiting for us. We got in and made our way to the club that Kat heard of. It was apparently pretty big and awesome.

"Now lets go celebrate and find you a man." Kat said as we stepped up to the club. I rolled my eyes at that. She's been held up on getting me a man because she said that being at 29 is not sane. She had a boyfriend that she lived with. Me on the other hand had too many bad relationships and was in no rush to find love. I was waiting for love to find me.

We stepped inside the club and I was grateful for the heat that we stepped into. It was quite cold out tonight and it was weird since it wasn't anywhere close to winter. I regretted not bringing a jacket. Kat dragged me over to the bar and ordered us each a stoli and cranberry juice.

"Here you go ladies." The bartender said with a polite smile as he pushed our drinks toward us.

"To your major sale and many more!" Kat said and clinked her glass with mine. We giggled and then sipped on our drinks as we watched the people dance and go crazy.

"Hey babe" Kyle said stepping up to Kat and pulling her in for a kiss. I smiled at how adorable the two of them were. Kyle worked as a junior at a law firm. He was about 6ft tall with dirty blond hair that was always spiked to perfection with green eyes. He was good looking I'll give him that, but in a boyish way. He wasn't that built since he didn't get out much, he was a nerd.

"Congratulations on the big sale Kiana." Kyle smiled and hugged me quick.

"Thanks Kyle." I smiled and watched as he dragged Kat off to go dance. I turned on the stool and leaned one arm on the bar and rested my head in my hand watching the people. My eyes were scanning the room until it landed on a group of guys coming in through the entrance. It was a group of about 5 guys but the one in the front stood out the most. He wore, from what I could see in the poor flashing lights, black jeans, a white shirt and a black leather jacket with some black sneakers.

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