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Chapter 23

For the past two weeks I've been planning the wedding on my own. Marshall had to leave again for his tour and left me to do all the arrangements and planning by myself. I didn't mind though, I just really wished he would be a little bit more involved. I mean this was not just my day, but our day.

We also had an argument the other day. He wants to try for a baby now but I said no that we should wait for our honeymoon. I don't understand why he cant just wait another months or so? I mean I'm still on the pill so yeah.

I sighed after returning to my desk after my lunch break. I've been so tired lately because I couldn't sleep when he's not there. That's another thing I'll have to get used to. I carried on with my day until it was almost time to leave. All I wanted now was just to leave and crawl into Marshall's lap and stay there.

"Hey Kiana." I looked up from the papers I was working on and found Rex leaning against my door casually.

"Can I help you?" I asked him with a frown. I was in no mood to be messed with right now. I really just want to go home right now. Marshall finally came home last night and he promised tonight it will be just us. The girls were at their mom's for a few days.

"Oh no, I just came to see how you've been. We haven't had a chat in a while." He said smiling at me making me feel uncomfortable.

"We don't ever talk Rex. You flirt, I snap at you and tell you to fuck off. It works for a few days then you go again and flirt with me." I said annoyed. I really just wanted him to leave me alone already. He knew I was engaged too but don't think that stopped him.

"Come on Kiana." He said walking into my office and coming to lean against my desk. He put some of my hair behind my ear making me cringe and shiver in disgust. "I know you like me. I've seen the way you look at me." He whispered with a wink.

"What? With utter hatred and disgust? Yeah." I said slapping his hands away.

"Oh come on baby. You're only fooling yourself." He said with a smirk. I sighed and dropped my head in my hands and rubbed my temples to rid myself of the headache growing.

"Please just leave Rex. I don't have time for your fucking shit." I said making him chuckle. I looked up at him and then glared at him.

"Come on baby. Don't be like that." He said making my blood boil. I stood up from my chair and glared at him.

"Listen here you fucking idiot. I'm not your baby nor will I ever be. I'm engaged and I would appreciate it if you left me the fuck alone! I swear I will report you for sexual harassment and I wont think twice about." I said with my fists clenched at my sides. Rex's eyes widened and then he smirked at me again.

"Feisty. I like it." He said into my ear as he got up. He was so close to me and it made me feel sick. He reached up and traced his fingers over my face as he smiled down at me. I pulled my head away from him and he grabbed my wrist as I went to slap him. "Oh no you don't." He said shaking his head. I narrowed my eyes at him and yanked my hand free from his grasp. He chuckled and then left me office.

"Motherfucking asshole." I mumbled under my breath as I slumped back down into my chair. I let out big sigh and then looked at the time. Marshall should be here any minute now. He insisted on driving me to work, he said that way we could have a little more time together.

"Hey baby." I smiled as I answered my phone.

"Listen I won't be able to pick you up baby. Romeo will take you home." Marshall said a little distracted.

"Why?" I asked confused with a frown. I thought he said we were going to spend some time together tonight.

"I'm caught up at the studio with the guys. We started to fool around and got creative and I can't just leave now. You understand right?" He asked and I sighed.

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