Enjoy your little toy

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Chapter 14

I sighed as I looked at myself in the mirror. My eyes looked tired and a little puffy from crying so much. I hardly slept last night. I kept tossing and turning. I felt bad for what I said to my dad, but I was so tired of always just being used. I sighed and opened the cold water and washed my face.

I walked out of the bathroom and changed into my clothes for the day. I decided to wear my fitted cream dress that had a square neckline and short sleeves with a black belt going around my waist with black pumps. The dress stopped at my knees. My hair I let fall in lose curls and applied some make up.

I grabbed everything I needed for work once I finished my breakfast and made my way to my car. On my way to work I just thought of what I said to my dad. Was it really necessary? I shook my head and parked my car. I walked into the office and gave Alicia a small wave and smile. She beamed at me and nodded her head as she checked out what I was wearing.

"Hey Kiana." Matt said as I walked into my office.

"Morning Matt." I smiled and he smiled back.

"You look lovely today, good thing too. You have a showing today at 2, are you ok with that?" He asked.

"Sure, I'm fine with it." I smiled and nodded. He thanked me and then left. I sat down at my desk and went about the days work.

"Come in." I said glancing to my office door as it opened after there was a knock. Alicia stepped in holding a bouquet of orange, yellow and pink Gerbera Daisy's. I frowned at her.

"These came for you." She said and looked at the flowers.

"They did?" I asked and got up and took then from her. I looked for a card and found one. I looked at her and she motioned for me to carry on. I opened it and read what it said inside.


Hope you have a better day baby. I saw these and thought of you. Hope you like them and they not too colorful for you.

I love you baby.



I smiled and felt tears fill my eyes. I loved these flowers, they were my favourite flowers.

"Wow Kiana, you're one lucky girl. I wish Eminem would buy me flowers too." Alicia said with a pout.

"Eminem didn't buy me these. Marshall did." I said correcting her. People just don't get it. He's Marshall to me. That's the mad I fell in love with. She giggled and turned to leave. I put the vase of flowers on my desk and reached for my phone.

"Yo?" Marshall answered the phone.

"Thank you for the flowers baby." I said and smiled as I sat back down in my chair.

"I hope you like them. They reminded me of you." I could hear the smile in his voice. I just wished I could see it.

"They're my favourite actually. Thank you baby." I said touching the petals lightly.

"Are you coming over tonight baby?" He asked.

"Yeah baby. I'll see you tonight." I said and I heard him talking to someone in the background.

"Ok baby, I need to go. I love you babe." I smiled and I swear every time he says that my heart just doubles in speed.

"I love you too." And with that we hung up.

It was around noon when I decided to head over to the kitchen and have something to eat. I wasn't that hungry so I just looked in the fridge and searched for a small snack.

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