You're hot

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Chapter 28

I fell into Marshall's arms as soon as he was close enough and just let it all out. Marshall held me close to him as he rocked me back and forth and rubbed my back soothingly. He hushed me and tried to get me to just stop crying, but I couldn't. Soon the little tears turned into whimpering and then into full blown sobbing.

"Kiana baby please, talk to me. You're killing me here." He said into my hair once I've finally started to calm down. I took a deep breath and let it out shakily as Marshall stepped back a little and cupped my face so that I had no choice but to look into those gorgeous eyes of his.

He frowned at me and I could see the concern in his eyes as he waited for me to answer him. I bit my lip and shook my head as I closed my eyes and the tears came back. Marshall crushed me to his body again as I cried into his chest.

"It's ok baby. Come, lets go lie down." He said and all I could do was just think of what a failure I am. Marshall lead us over to the bed as he went to go lie down again I just watched him with a few stray tears running down my face. He smiled softly at me and pulled me down so that my head was in his chest, seeing as he was laying on his side.

He wrapped both his arms around me and held me there for who knows how long. He must hate me now, I mean I got everyone's hopes up and now I'm going to disappoint them. I mean I haven't been on the pill for almost two months now and we haven't used protection for even longer than that and nothing.

"I'm sorry." I croaked out after a long moment of just laying there.

"What for baby?" Marshall asked looking down at me with a frown. I let out a shaky sigh and shrugged.

"I know you wanted another one and I'm sorry that I'm not pregnant." I said and Marshall laughed humourlessly.

"Do you honestly feel the need to say sorry that you are not pregnant?" He asked and I closed my eyes and nodded. "You don't have to baby. Yeah I do want another baby with you but we still have lots of time to try baby." He leaned down and placed his lips against my ears. "Besides, the trying is the best part of it." And then he kissed just below my ear.

I giggled a little and then a shiver ran down my spine. But this wasn't just a shiver of delight, I was also having a slight chill. Marshall must have noticed because he frowned down at me.

"Does that mean you still love me?" I asked and he rolled his eyes at me making me giggle a little.

"Of course I do Kiana, you're my wife, my one and only, my happily ever after. You're my forever." He said and placed his lips gently on mine. I closed my eyes and savoured the moment.

"I love you too baby." I said with a sigh and feeling a little better. I was still disappointed in myself. I was really hoping that I was pregnant. But I guess when the time is right it will happen. I shivered and Marshall frowned as he pressed his lips to my forehead.

"Are you ok baby? You're hot." Marshall said and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Thank you baby, but I'm in no mood for flattery right now." I said with a sigh and snuggled closer to Marshall, his body heat was seeping through our clothes and I wanted more of it.

"Well you're fucking hot like that, but I meant you're burning up baby." Marshall said putting the back of his hand to my forehead and then moving his hand to the back of my neck. "Are you ok babe?"

"No, I'm cold and feel sick, if there was still something in my stomach it would have been out by now." I say reaching for the blanket and pulling it up to under my chin.

"I think you have a fever baby. You're starting to sweat too." Marshall said getting quite concerned. I just nodded and closed my eyes. I felt so drained and just wanted to sleep. "I'm going to get you something to cool off baby. I'll be right back."

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