Kellie's big day

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Chapter 32

"Ready to go baby?" Marshall ask me as he leans against the door frame with his hands in his pockets. My eyes meet his in the mirror and I smile at him.

"Yeah." I say as I put my lip gloss in my clutch. I straighten out the small wrinkles on my black dress and pull it down a little more.

"Maybe we should just stay home." Marshall said as he came up behind me. He rests his left hand on my hip as his right hand reaches up to move the small, thin strap off my shoulder. He bends down and places small, warm kisses along my bare shoulder and neck. It is bare for him since my hair was swept to the side over my right shoulder with bobby pins holding it in place.

I close my eyes and lean into him, enjoying his lips on my skin. I sigh and as much as I would love to take this further right now, I know I can't do that to my little sister. She'll kill me if I miss her big day.

"As much as I would love to finish this Mr Mathers." I said turning around so that I was facing him. "We have a wedding to get to." I say with a small smile and place my hands on his chest as I lean in to kiss him. He groans and rolls his eyes as he pulls away from the small kiss.

"Yeah I guess this will have to wait." He says a little annoyed as he puts the small strap back in its place on my shoulder. I smiled and look over his body and my smile gets bigger. Marshall was actually wearing a tux, a well fitted tux with a white button down shirt. He refused to wear a tie however and left the top button open. Holy fuck did he look sexy.

"You look so handsome in a suit baby." I said running my hands over the shoulders of his jacket. He smirked and brought me closer to him by my hips.

"And you look fucking sexy in this dress." He said in a husky tone as he moved his hands so that both of them were resting on my ass. I giggled and rolled my eyes before giving him a chaste kiss. I was wearing a plain and simple silk black dress that hugged what little curves I had and stopped just above my knee. On my left leg it had a slit however that went quite high so when I sat down I had to be careful.

"We need to get going." I said I reached for my clutch off the dresses. Marshall nodded and then held his arm out for me. I smiled and linked my arm through his and then we made our way down to the waiting car. The girls were already at the chapel with Kellie since she asked them to be her bridesmaids and Whit was her flower girl. It was a very small and intimate wedding, consisting of closets friends and family. I think there was about fifty people at the most.

Once we got to the chapel I kissed Marshall bey before we parted ways. We had to part ways since Kellie asked me to give her away. I was happy to do it. So Marshall went to sit in the front of the chapel with Allen and I knew he was a little on edge.

"Oh my god Kellie. You look wow." Words left me as I stepped into the small room where the girls were getting ready. Kellie looked absolutely gorgeous with the floor length gown she wore. It was halter neck and left he back completely exposed. It was silk and was plain, but wow it was amazing. Her hair was up with a flower in the right side.

"Thank you Kia." She said running her hands over her dress to smooth it out I guess. The girls looked gorgeous too. They wore champagne colored dresses that stopped at the knee and had a sweetheart neckline with thick straps going over their shoulders.

"Oh my goodness. You girls look amazing." I said smiling at them. Their hair was all in a half up and half down do with soft curls. Their make up wasn't too heavy and they looked just beautiful.

"You look very pretty too Kia." Whitney said as she came to give me a quick hug.

"Thank you sweety. You ready for this?" I asked her and she smiled brightly as she nodded. I poked her nose softly and she scrunched up her face up at me.

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