The concert

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Chapter 5

Today I didn't groan like any other day when my alarm went off. Actually I was up before my alarm went off. I was so stocked for tonight. Today was finally Wednesday which meant that I will be seeing Marshall again tonight. I couldn't wait.

I jumped and literally skipped around while I got ready for work today. I pulled on some black pants and a black blouse with a white collar and sleeves. I choose a pair of lack flats seeing as I didn't feel like wearing heels today and I wasn't seeing any clients today. I brushed my hair out and pulled it into a pony tail that was elegant enough for work.

I skipped to the kitchen after I did my usual light make up and grabbed a granola bar. I munched on it as I got my things together for work. I went to brush my teeth and then made my way to work.

"Someone's in a good mood." Alicia smiled at me as I almost skipped into the building.

"Hey Alicia." I smiled and waved at her as I made my way to my office. I sat down and retrieved my phone and quickly typed out a quick text to Kat.

Me: Oh.My.God! Kat, today is the day! :D

Kat: Well someone is excited ;) What time must we pick you up?

Me: Well the show starts at 7pm and it like a 30mintue drive so maybe at like 5:45? If that's ok with you guys.

Kat: Sound perfect to me. See you later girl. Love you!

Me: Love you too Kat! Have a nice day xox.

I decided to text Marshall while I was at it before I threw myself into my work.

Me: I thought that I'd just text you to let you know that I can't wait for tonight. Hope you have a good day! xoxox

He didn't text back but I figured that it might have been because he was busy or not with his phone. I put my phone in my drawer and then went through my work for the day. The day dragged on and on today and I really just wanted 4:30pm to come already.

"Hey Kiana, we're all leaving for the day." Matt said popping his head into my office. I looked up at him from my computer and smiled.

"Oh ok. yeah let me just finish up this email." I smiled and he nodded and left. I checked the time and saw it was only 4pm now. Once I finished with the email and made it out to my car it was 4:10pm. I got in the car and made my way home with a smile on my face.

I made it to my apartment and then kicked off my shoes and walked into my room and searched my closet for something to wear. I stood there for a good 10minutes and all I could come up with was a pair of white skinny jeans.

'We touch I feel a rush, we clutch it isn't much..'

My phone rang from my nightstand. I smiled and reached for it already knowing who it was.

"Hello?" I answered the phone with a smile.

"Hey Kiana." I smiled and clutched my phone harder to my hear as I heard his voice. My heart fluttered and my stomach erupted in butterflies.

"How are you?" I asked while I sat on the edge of my bed.

"I'm great. I get to see you tonight."He said and I giggled at that.

"You're too sweet Marshall." He chuckled and then cleared his throat.

"What time do you get home?" He asked and I frowned at that.

"I got home a couple minutes ago why?"

"There's something for you at the front desk." He said and then I heard someone talking to him in the background.

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