Dresses and drama

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Chapter 22

"So what are you girls going to do today?" Marshall asked from the bed as he watched me getting dressed after my shower.

"I think we're going to go find bridesmaids dresses today." I say beaming at him. He smiled and shook his head.

"As long as I don't have to be dragged along you can do whatever your heart desires." He said getting up and coming to give me a kiss on the shoulder. He snaked his arms around my waist and pulled me to him. I smiled and placed my arms around his.

"Oh yeah, cause watching me get dressed and undressed the whole day would be terrible." I said smiling as I turned in his arms so that I could face him.

"Well if you put it that way." He trailed off as he dipped his head and nipped and kissed at my collarbone.

"No, you're right. It will be a drag. Guess I'll just have to ask the girls to help me zip," I said trailing my finger from his boxer's waistband up to the dip in his neck by his collarbone "And unzip me." I said trailing my finger back down to his waistband as he watched my hand the hole time.

"You are such a fucking tease baby." Marshall whispered in my ear before his hand came down hard on my ass. I yelped and he took that to his advantage as he slammed his lips to mine and his tongue invaded my mouth. I closed my eyes and moaned into his mouth as I put my arms around his neck and pushed my body flush against his. Since I was only in my bra, his skin on mine set mine on fire.

He walked us to the bed and lowered me onto the bed as he hovered above me. He held himself up with hand arm as his other hand roamed my body. He gave my breast a squeeze before moving his hand to my knee and hitching my leg up so that we were a little closer to each other. I felt his excitement between my legs and moaned as he grinded himself against me.

His phone started to buzz from the bedside table and he groaned and sat on his knees between my legs as I pushed myself up on my elbows to watch him.

"Hello?" He answered the phone with a frown that turned to a smile soon after. "Hey baby. Did you sleep well? Yeah? That's good." It must be Whitney calling him. "Yeah, Kiana is picking you up. Hold on a minute, you'll have to as Kiana baby. You guys are going dress shopping." Marshall said handing me the phone. I frowned and put it to my ear.

"Hey Whit." I said smiling when I heard her giggle.

"Hey Kia, I was wondering if my friend can come too?" Whitney asked and I could just imagine those pleading eyes.

"Sure Whit. What time do you need me to pick you up?" I asked her as Marshall bent down to place small kissed on my stomach. The fucking bastard.

"Well we're actually all up and just finishing off with breakfast." Whitney said and I nodded while closing my eyes trying not to let the kisses get to me.

"Ok then. I'll get you in about 30minutes?" I asked her and then glared at Marshall as he looked up at me through his eyelashes and smirked then nipped my skin by my belly button.

"Ok yeah. We'll be ready then. Thank you Kia." She said in a happy and chirpy tone.

"You're welcome sweety. See you in a few." I said smiling.

"Can I talk to daddy again please?" She asked and I replied with a quick sure before I handed Marshall back his phone. He sighed and sat up on his knees again. Pay back is such a wonderful bitch. I thought as I smirked at him and he frowned at me as I sat up and went on my knees in front of him. I leaned forward and started placing kisses all over his chest as my hands moved up on his legs. His body went tense as my hand lightly brushed over his erection. I smirked at him as he grabbed my wrist. I pouted at him as he brought it up to his face and kissed my palm after he said bye to Whitney.

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