Why do you care?

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Chapter 8

I woke with a little bit of a sore body. I'm getting too old for this sleeping on the floor shit. I sat up quietly and stretched my arms above my head. I got up and smiled down at the pile of bodies at my feet. Marshall still had both his arms around Whitney and Hailie as they slept. He looked so peaceful and young when he slept. I turned and made my way out of the room and to the nearest bathroom.

After I was done and washed my hands I decided to make everyone breakfast. I hope Marshall won't mind me doing that. I searched through his big kitchen to find everything I needed. So far I had bacon, sausage's and the eggs on the counter. I turned to switch on the over so I can bake the bacon. Luckily the toaster was on the counter so I didn't have to go looking for it.

I finally got the cupboard that held all the pots and pans and got two out. One for the sausages and one for frying the eggs. I was nearly done with the breakfast when I heard someone coming into the kitchen. I turned to see Lainie yawn.

"Morning Lainie." I smiled and waved at her with the spatula still in my hand.

"Morning Kiana. Need any help?" She asked with a smile.

"Actually yes, I was wondering if we should eat in side or outside?" I asked cocking my head to the side.

"Outside. Its a nice day out. Can I set the table for you?" Lainie asked as she came around the kitchen island.

"Please. I have no idea where everything is. It took me forever to just find these things." I giggled as I gestured to the things I was using. Lainie chuckled and then started taking things out. After I placed everything in a dish I took it out to the patio table. Lainie brought out different juices and then I, with the help of Lainie, made a fresh pot of coffee to put on the table.

"Thank you Lainie." I smile bumping shoulders with her.

"No problem Kiana. It looks and smells amazing." She smiled as she patted her stomach.

"Now to get everyone down here before it gets cold." I said pursing my lips. "Are they all even awake?"

"Yeah. They were when I left." She shrugged and went to sit down. I nodded then went inside to the kitchen and sent Marshall a text telling him to get his ass down here and bring everyone along with him. I went to grab a glass of water and nearly dropped the glass when arms came around me from the back.

"I like waking up and finding you in my kitchen. You're just wearing too much." Marshall said against my skin in my neck. I shivered and leaned back into him.

"Did you sleep well?" I asked and felt him nod into my neck as he kissed me.

"I had all my favorite people with me." I turned around and faced him to find him wearing his glasses again.

"You make the sexiest nerd baby." I smiled and he scrunched up his nose at my comment making me laugh. I kissed him quickly and before he could deepen it or take it further I placed my hands on his chest. "Come on. The foods getting cold."

"Food? You made breakfast?" He asked surprised. I nodded and he smiled, cupping my cheek and placing a sweet kiss on my lips, making my insides melt and my knees almost go weak. He dropped his hand and grabbed mine lacing our fingers as he lead us outside. Nate, Lainie and Whitney were all discussing something and Hailie was quiet again just staring at her empty plate.

"Morning guys." I smiled and gave a small wave as Marshall pulled out a chair for me next to Whitney.

"Hey" Nate said with a smile. "Marshall should have you over more often. The food looks amazing."

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