First date

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Chapter 6

I woke up from someone continuously running their fingers through my hair. I smiled and snuggled closer to my main source of heat. My head head bobbed on his chest as he chuckled. I opened my eyes and looked up to see those breathtaking blue eyes already looking at me.

"Are you usually up this early?" I asked him as I rested my head on his chest at such an angle that I could keep eye contact. He just shrugged with a small smile. I smiled back then had to cover my mouth from yawning.

"Are you tired baby?" He asked as he cupped the side of my face. I gave him a tired smile and nodded. He smiled then leaned in and placed his lips on mine. My heart exploded in that moment, I swear it did. Once we pulled away from the kiss I looked over my shoulder to see it was time for me to get up.

"I need to start getting ready." I said with a sigh. I went to push myself up but Marshall grabbed my leg and pulled it over him so that I was now sitting on his thighs, straddling him. I let out a giggle as I placed my hands on his extremely sexy chest.

"Or you can stay in bed with me." He said with a smirk sitting up so that we were mere inches away from each other. I put my arms around his neck and rested my forehead against his as his hands run up and down my things to my ass and back.

"As tempting as that sounds" I leaned in and kissed him "I'll have to take a rain check. I have very important clients I'm seeing today."

"Then let me drive you to work at least baby. And I'll take you up on this rain check this weekend." He said and bit my bottom lip. I closed my eyes and almost let out a moan and had the urge to just grind on him. But if I did that there was no way in hell that I would leave this bed then. "Get that fucking sexy mother fucking ass in the shower baby." He said giving my ass a slap.

I giggled and crawled off his lap and then got off the bed. I stretched my arms above my head and let out a weird squeaking noise while stretching.

"What the fuck was that?" He asked laughing at me. I turned to look at him with a shy smile then my eyes dropped to his exposed stomach.

"I uh don't know." My eyes trailed up to his again and he was staring at me like I was just staring at him. I winked at him then turned and walked into the bathroom. I shut the door and then leaned against it sighing with a grin on my face.

I cannot believe Emin-fucking-em was currently in my bed, in nothing but boxers. And I did absolutely nothing! What the hell was wrong with me?! I wanted to do something though and now have that annoying aching feeling between my legs that could easily go away if I just walk back out of that door. I was tempting to do it, but it was still a little too early for us to do that.

I turned on the shower and stripped off my clothes then stepped under the water. I washed my hair and then washed my body. Once I was finally done rinsing myself I grabbed my towel and stepped out of the shower. I dried my hair with the towel then wrapped it around my body. I opened the door slowly and then popped my head into my room. Marshall was nowhere to be seen.

I walked to my door and closed it before going to my closet. I pulled out a white collared, sleeveless blouse with a charcoal high waisted pencil skirt that stopped a little way above my knees. I grabbed a pair of black stocking from my drawer as I got my underwear out and then quickly got dressed. I dried my hair and put some moose in it so that I can leave it in soft waves. Once I was done I quickly put on some make up then slipped on my 4"pumps. Lastly I put my necklace on that Marshall got me and smiled at my reflection.

I left my room and my heels clicked down the passage on the wooden floors as I made my way to the front of my apartment. I found Marshall standing fully dressed in a black t-shirt and grey trousers with his sneakers. He had his back to me and it looked like he was writing something. I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around him from behind.

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