I do

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Chapter 24

You know in the movies they make planning a wedding look so nice and fun. They hardly have any problems and when they do it's so easily solved. Well fuck I want to know what the hell they do to make it all look so easy.

Planning a wedding can be a pain in the ass. At least the girls dresses are ready and their shoes. My dress however doesn't even exists yet and there's only like a little more than 3weeks left. I can't seem to book the damn venue and there's always problems with the fucking flowers. I haven't even gotten around to send the invites out yet and I'm about to rip my hair out.

Work has been fucking terrible because Rex won't leave me the fuck alone and to be honest it makes me feel extremely uncomfortable. I just want him to get the picture that I'm really not interested and actually hate him. He gives me the chills and shit.

Today I threatened to report him for Sexual Harassment because he went too far by slapping my ass as I walked passed. I was just about done with that asshole. Marshall has noticed my mood and I told him about Rex. He of course wanted to kill him but I assured him I had it all under control.

"You're so tense baby." Marshall said kissing the side of my head as he came to stand behind me and rubbing my shoulders. I closed my eyes and smiled, enjoying the massaging.

"It'd been a rough couple of weeks." I said letting out a sigh.

"What's up babe?" He asked still rubbing my shoulders. I'm the one that should be doing this for him, not him for me.

"Just Rex and then the wedding planning. I swear nothing is working out and there's always a problem. I haven't even sent out the invites." I said dropping my face in my hands and rubbing my face. Marshall's hands stopped moving and I looked up at him in the mirror and we made eye contact.

"Then don't send them." Marshall said shrugging. I looked at him and then tears started to slowly fill my eyes without warning. This was it. Marshall was going to tell me that he doesn't want to Marry me anymore.

"W-What about the wedding?" I asked with a shaky voice.

"Screw the wedding." He said shrugging again like I meant nothing to him. I turned around to face him.

"W-Why?" I asked and all I wanted to do was bawl my eyes out right now.

"Let's go baby. We take the girls and Nate and fly to Vegas. I don't need a big wedding but if that's what you want baby, we can stay and have your big wedding." He said taking both my hands in his. I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding. I shook my head giggling at my own stupidity.

"As long as I have you all with me nothing else matters baby." I said smiling up at him and kissing his lips. "And maybe Kat and Kellie." I added and Marshall chuckled and rubbed my arms.

"How about you go have a nice hot bath and I'll make the arrangements." Marshall said kissing my forehead. I smiled and nodded as he left the room. All this stress had made my hormones fuck around with me and the fact that I've stopped the pill for a while now too. I was all over the place and poor Marshall was the one that had to deal with it. God I loved that man.

I kicked my heels of for the day and then walked to the bathroom. I could really use a hot bubble bath right now to just unwind. I filled the tub with water and added a good amount of bubbles and watched as it foamed up. I stripped of my clothes and then got in the warm water. I leaned back and closed my eyes as I felt myself unwind and relax.

Marshall came into the bathroom some time later and got in behind me. I smiled and leaned my back against his chest with my head on his shoulder almost. His arms came around me as I rested my hands on his thighs and sighed contently.

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