Walk on the beach

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Chapter 26

Waking up to a cold and empty bed surprised me. For the past couple of days we've been here, I would always wake up to Marshall, not today though. I frowned and then grabbed the sheets and pulled them around me. I sat on the edge of the bed and stretched my arms above my head. Damn my body was tired. Sure we were having a very relaxing honeymoon but all the sex did that to me.

I got up and softly padded my way to the small deck that was at the back of the bungalow. Marshall was standing there with both his elbows resting on the railing with his back to me in just his boxers. I smiled and wrapped my arms around him from behind and kissed his shoulder blade.

"Morning baby." He said and I could hear the smile in his voice.

"What are you doing out here all by yourself?" I asked him resting my head on his shoulder. He turned his head to look at me and smiled as he kissed me.

"Just came to admire the view and the girls called." He said turning so that he was facing me now and wrapped his arms around me.

"How are they?" I asked putting my arms around his neck.

"They're good. Missing us and says we must take lots of pictures." He chuckles and shakes his head.

"I kind of miss them too." I said smiling and kissing Marshall. He smiled against my lips then looked down at the sheets around me.

"Even in fucking bed sheets you look fucking beautiful." Marshall said leaning down to kiss my neck. I got goosebumps from that small kiss and chills. I swear his touch was magical.

"I'm going to have a shower baby. Would you like to join?" I asked him rubbing my hands over his bare chest.

"I'll be there in a few." He smiled and kissed me then let me walk back into the bungalow. I swear I was so happy that it even felt like I was walking on cloud number nine. Marshall followed me into the bungalow but went to sit on the edge of the bed as he checked his phone. It didn't bother me because I knew he still had things to do and places to be once we get back. "You know, I think I should make the bathroom at home like this." Marshall said making me giggle.

"What? So you can watch me all the time?" I turned to face him through the window in the wall. You see this bathroom was built weird. It had a window so that you could see the rest of the bungalow with two mirrors hanging in the window with gaps. So where Marshall was sitting on the bed he could see into the bathroom.

"Fuck yes. What am I not allowed to watch my wife?" He asked making my heart skip a beat. I was still not over the fact that I was indeed his wife. I loved every second of it. "That could be a problem though." He trailed off as I dropped the sheets from my body. I frowned at him as he got up and walked into the bathroom with a tent in his boxers. "We won't ever leave the room then." He said as he crushed his lips to mine.

"And that's a problem?" I asked against his lips. He growled and shoved his hands into my hair as we kissed like there's no tomorrow.

"You have no fucking idea how fucking much I love you." He said as he walked us back into the shower. I squealed as he opened the water since it was freezing water pelting down on my back. "Sorry baby." He chuckled as he pulled me out from under the water.

"That's freaking cold." I scowl at him and slap his chest. He kisses my nose and then walks be back under the water. This time I sigh since it was nice and warm.

"Better?" He asks as he removes his boxers and kicks them to the side. I bite my lip and glance down his body then back up to his eyes.

"Much better." I said pulling his lips down to mine. He chuckled as his arms came around me and held me tight to him. I felt his erection at my stomach and then started to get needy for him. I guess he noticed since he walked us back to a wall and then told me to jump. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he positioned himself at my entrance. "I love you too baby" I said as he pushed into me making me moan out his name in utter pleasure. No matter how many times we do this, I will never have enough of him.

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